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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bullneck

  1. Damn, Havertz is a whole head taller than Troussard. 2-0 now.
  2. They just showed a graphic on how dominating Arsenal have been at home. So I assume the final will be 7-0 to Aston Villa.
  3. In perfect hindsight it seems everything was pre-ordained. Had State of the Union Biden showed up at the debate he would have won. But he didn't. I posted during the debate "does anyone have Gavin Newsome's phone number?" Once he realized he couldn't win he had to appoint Kamala as his successor or forfeit 100% of the black vote, which he wasn't going to do (out of loyalty) or for political expediency. To do otherwise and have some kind of primary with Mayor Pete and Handsome Gavin and some other white guys would have blown the coalition apart. Biden thought -- as I did -- she would win. Surely the having a black woman for president isn't that big of a deal? Frankly I can't believe that between the really important issues (ectopic pregnancy = death in 1/3 of the country) and the choice of good v. evil and failure and Russian puppetness and the electric, stadium sized crowds she was drawing she would lose. For anyone to either make up their mind on election day or stay home would be crazy, but apparently that's what happened. Now it's face eatin' time. This. If there is one thing I would have liked to have had them message harder on it would be that presidents don't set gas prices or egg prices or interest rates. AND REALLY EXPLAIN WHY. I know you're not supposed to shame the dumb fuck Americans who never learned anything but you have to explain that corporations set prices. The joy thingy was good but fill in the gaps for these yahoos so they have some intellectual investment in their decision and don't just vote for the "successful businessman."
  4. Who does your dad think the raped? Usually there's a person who comes forward and complains about it. MY mother ruefully shook her head about "all the bad things that kept happening to Trump." Like all those lawsuits and indictments? Did it ever occur to you he might be the problem? If she could figure out how to go on Twitter she might have heard Trump say, "leave your money to me instead of your kids who don't really deserve it."
  5. Why would anyone go scuba diving in Saba?
  6. Biden was a damn good president. It's the American people that need to be graded.
  7. Bullneck

    Texas GPA

    Not tryin' to be a dick or nothing but I've heard numerous Texas players speak and have been genuinely impressed. I know Acho(s) can be annoying at times but they are great representatives. Vince and Sam have sounded a bit dull immediately following a big game (Rose/Sugar) but I'm sure I would've been pretty cringe myself at that age - without the wins. For the most part when I hear our players speak I say, "those are my guys."
  8. Of course you don't. You have to download the app, make an account, and do the updates first.
  9. Yeah, the meme writer blew there.
  10. OK, I'm a big NJ booster but it can be tough around EWR. It's really the signage that sucks. They have a lot of road numbers that most people don't know v. the destination you want: NYC, Jersey City/Hoboken, Trenton/Philadelphia, Allentown to clearly define where the tourist off their flight wants to go. Don't underestimate the impact of the Port of Newark, too. There's a lot of intermodal containers driving those same roads.
  11. I've began to wonder why vaccines have become a focus and why not chemo? It's obvious to me that all the nausea and vomiting associated with chemo is just your body trying to expel the Bill Gates microchips they are planting in your body. Ban all cancer treatment!!!
  12. I'd say he passed the test with flying colors. For squad leader.
  13. Star-Trek-Picard-Riker-Phaser.avif
  14. Hey, at least it was raining.
  15. Ten or so years ago I read an essay by Paul Krugman who cited two existential threats to the world: income inequity and climate change. I posted it and got a lot of "NYTimes is worthless!!" and "he's an idiot!!" from the usual suspects.
  16. I woke up, fell out of bed, and dragged a comb across my head. Found my way downstairs and drank a cup, and looking up, I noticed I was late.
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