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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bullneck

  1. A key element in Maga-world is somewhere between "do as I say, not as I do" and "for my friends, everything. For my enemies, the law."
  2. Crenshaw looks like he wants to crawl into a hole. Back into a hole. Under a rock. Whatever. Maher finally says something worth listening to.
  3. Oh, hai The Port of Tulsa has become one of my favorite pieces of trivia . . .
  4. I guess short pants are OK now?
  5. (Edit, 13 hours later: that fucking guy with the "No . . " after every wrong (but understandable) guess just kills me.
  6. Duh, #3 obviously. I had to think about row 9, though. Headlines would either read, "Bullneck arrested on a flight after groping a female passenger" or "Boebert doing her handjob thing again!" Depends on the BAC, I guess.
  7. Did you notice her profession? 😀
  8. My wife had an ectopic and two miscarriages. How did we have kids? You guessed it: IVF.
  9. He knows no one wants to hear the same shit twice in the same half hour.
  10. So now he cares about migrant children? I'm sure he's pissed they are sex slaves and he didn't get to bang any of them. Look, "Texas Hooch" if in fact that is your real name, it says "scion" and "heir." SCION and HEIR. It automatically trumps* all other cross party endorsements. *see what I did there?
  11. Johnny Sack said he gave money to orphans in Haiti.
  12. That's it in a nutshell.
  13. He just survived another assassination attempt. Give him a break.
  14. I hope Corey Lewandowski is shitting his pants right now.
  15. It's the 4th quarter and we have the ball!
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