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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bullneck

  1. Hey, wazzup with Ben Sasse these days? I googled him the other day, wondering what happened to that fuckstick from Nebraska.
  2. OK, fuck all this freedom and liberty bullshit. I'm having a Skinny Bitch* (or several, I've lost count) right now and would like to weigh in on an important topic. I would like to speak for a moment about Sam "Tract House" Alito. Got damn, if I was a Supreme Court judge and lived in a fucking dump like this I might be pissed as well. No "faithfully restored 1920s cottage from a locally active architect" house for you! No, Alito, while all ya boys with the big fucking dollar who have been screwing the working poor out of their meager wages and fly them private jets everywhere while you live under asphalt shingles and production trusses and "brick in the front to impress all the people and siding on the side, cuz, you gotta stretch that $200.000 salary." I was a casual employee at the post office in Lubbock in 1992 when I was a graduate student. Before I started (mainly sorting junk mail in bundle by zip code) I had to watch a movie entitled "Was It Worth It." It was narrated by James Olmos Williams, the guy with the bad skin from Miami Vice. It was meant to keep dirtbag casual employees (i.e., Tech architecture graduate students) from stealing the money out of birthday cards. So, Sam, in all this excitement I kinda lost track myself. Was it worth it? (You have no idea how long it took to type this. Damn them skinny bitches). *By this I don't mean to imply that I'm having sex with a thin woman with resting bitch face, like, for instance Paris Hilton. A Skinny Bitch for all you fat beer drinking slobs (not "snobs" since it's impossible in my cultured opinion to be a snob about beer) is a Diet Coke and Vodka. So Paris Hilton and I have that in common.
  3. Retracts before impact? ******** What part of Philly are you from? Fishtown? South Philly? Chestnut Hill? Inquiring minds want to know.
  4. MSNBC has some guy on last night who described Haley voting for Trump as "catastrophe" for Biden. Sure, OK.
  5. Doubtful anyone needs an ethics lesson from you.
  6. I don't know in which of the four or five threads this should go. Maybe tap the brakes on that immunity thing?:
  7. I saw this oldie but goody this afternoon.
  8. They might be overselling this a bit. Look like he's shut his yap for a moment but maybe it's for dramatic effect (music rises). It's not exactly a Moscow Mitch-level glitch.
  9. When you either get to a computer or sober up could you edit this out of its present Spy vs. Spy format? (Just kidding . . . sort of. No idea of what you're talking about. NJ = functional state government)
  10. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/05/19/world/iran-president-helicopter-crash Scanning the article I see "mountainous" and "fog." Usually not a good combination.
  11. My entertainment for this evening
  12. Google tells me it's Gene Hamilton. Jesus, he's an asshole. Also, Jasmine knows what's up: I love this woman:
  13. Swing on by the Cloak Room sometime. That’s a better venue for political stuff.
  14. Good job on this post. No one knows what the fuck you're talking about. It's better that way.
  15. I've petted two pit bulls in the past two days that were total puticas. But I completely agree with the comments that the sweet ones are sweet but the bad ones are bad (87% love sponge, 13% murderer).
  16. Sadly, I can't find the full scene but this is epic:
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