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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bullneck

  1. Holy shit, it’s the Scarlets.
  2. He’s the guy that all the Republicans said was a DEI hire after the ship accident. Between him and Shapiro fixing the I-95 overpass those D governors keep thing moving
  3. If L'Carpetron Dookmarriott introduces Coach Walz my head is going to assplode.
  4. Oprah is killing it, too.
  5. He beat out Stemy Hoyer for minority leader. Books and covers and all but this guy is probably good at putting people to sleep . . .
  6. Keenan F'n Thompson.
  7. Hmmm. Interesting. I saw it for the first time a couple of days ago. Smoke=fire when speaking of Trump, though.
  8. No idea what thread this should go in, so why not here?
  9. The parents of Hersch speaking is tough to watch.
  10. I have eaten at the Charcoal Pit in Wilmington. (Edit: I'm enthusiastic about the place. Reminds me of Dirty's or The Stallion).
  11. Wow, damn! Look what Camilla did. I want my $28,000 back so I'm voting for TRUMP!
  12. Shave your mustache? You mean like this?
  13. He posted this a half hour ago:
  14. "I know, I'll do some of my patented tweet, er, truths, that will distract from all of that frivolity going on."
  15. If Pelosi was on the bus they'd have to pick up some Slim Jims.
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