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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bullneck

  1. There was a similar article in the NYT about 6 or 8 months ago. I think it was "The Joy of Attending a Trump Rally" and yes, it's like a college football tailgate.
  2. Guess who's back, back again . . Senior Womp Womp.
  3. God I wish I was stoned. "wishing Lord that I was stoned"
  4. Seriously, all the proof you need is that he's insane is portrait in the background.
  5. Here's the "wowza" tweet from Carolina Forward.
  6. "Pops" has entered the waiting room for this meeting. Admit?
  7. It's on ESPN now. Teams in Oregon and Washington testing the limits of what it means to have uniforms . . . WE INTERRUPT THIS PROGRAM TO BRING YOU A COMMERCIAL . . . you should use SPAM the next time you make fried rice.
  8. Is that what that's supposed to be? I damn near never complain about uniforms but gotDAMN, those are ugly.
  9. "Well, I'm looking for something for a special occasion. A political rally. People tend to get kind of dressed up in patriotic clothes but I think they look a little clownish. I want to be tasteful but still kind of patriotic. I'm a 36 short. Can I see your jackets? And I need a hat, too." Also:
  10. The wild card in all this seems to be Kemp and Raffensberger deleting voters from the registered voter rolls pretty routinely (it seems, anyway).
  11. Dude, you gotta put captions on those faces ("you can't tell the players without a program"). I think the last guy sold his car to George Costanza, but I could be wrong.
  12. 0 - 54:15 - There are people praying and speaking, From 54 minutes to just after two hours NOTHING HAPPENS. Then for 18 minutes (2:10:00 - 2:28:00) some guys talk about something (the governor is in there somewhere but I'm not rewatching), and there's again an empty podium for half an hour. Finally at 2:51:00 Trump comes out and praises Xi and Putin and other dumb shit. At 3:11:31 they just fade out. I guess YouTube ran out of tape or cloud storage space or whatever. Or just got bored.
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