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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bullneck

  1. More like "Fry-Day," amirite? On another note, I've seen a couple of snippets of the Trump press conference today. He had the facial expression of a guy who just had TSA find a block of cocaine in his carry on.
  2. I give you my 100% money back internet guarantee that Trump's 2pm announcement is some kind of swag/garbage he's selling with his face on it.
  3. We all see the suffering and it's terrible but I'll be god dammed pissed if somehow, someway that's the issue that might help Trump get re-elected because soon afterward we'll be in the same boat. It's also less justifiable than what's going on in Ukraine. The leaders they elected started a fight they can't finish and their civilians are paying the price for that. If that seems harsh, I'm old enough to remember the raid on Entebbe, Black September at the '72 Olympics, the Achille Lauro, and people blowing themselves up in cafes and busses in Israel, a lot of which predates Hamas.
  4. It went into crypto so Trump can access it when he's living in Russia.
  5. Bullneck fantasy fiction/ Trump will get on Trump Force 1 with a full tank of gas and head to Venezuela, then Hungary, and then finally to the mother ship in Russia. /Bullneck fantasy fiction
  6. I thought it might be this guy for a moment:
  7. God help us when anyone gets any sort of information or direction on anything from morons like this.
  8. Steven Miller on Ari Melber's The Beat. His head got fried in the sun recently.
  9. "Hopefully my name will be Kamala in a few months."
  10. Damnit, we're not top of the table this year
  11. Damn, the governor of Massachusetts was wearing out those football analogies. After I got out of the Marines I was on inactive reserve and required to show up once a year at a nearby armory for a kind of headcount/check-in. You had to fill out some paperwork and at the end of it "swear, under penalty of perjury" your status was accurate. Welp, one of those years I got an actual certificate in the mail saying I had been promoted from 1st Lt. to Captain. It seemed weird, but hey, captain sounds nice. So when we got to that part of the day when we had to raise our right hand a couple of hands shot up. The major or lt. col doing the swearing kind of laughed and muttered something about "you know, it's funny how this always happens when you say the word "perjury" . . ." Those of us with issues explained them and I can't even remember if I left the building as a 1st Lt or captain. Not that it ever mattered.
  12. Walz comes out punching
  13. It takes some real guts to make a speech like Shapiro is doing right now when you won the silver medal just that morning. (Also: Baruch Obama in the house).
  14. Here's what the US Senate website shows. Nothing. She isn't a senator anymore. Here's the White House website: If you have some information you yourself would like to contribute, please do. Otherwise, shut your yap.
  15. Garland better go on TV and do some saber rattling. Announce some indictments for more of those fake electors and that the Justice Dept is hiring 2,000 more lawyers in anticipation of more monkey business in November. Remind people Biden has immunity and scare the shit out of these rubes.
  16. Just saw a Harris ad with the slogan "Let the Future Begin." I don't watch too much TV so maybe it's been out there for a while and I just missed it. Here it is:
  17. Forgetting for a moment about the bear cub killing and the bitcoin buying and anti-vaxing and the rest of the crazy and stupid shit: there's no way a guy with a voice like his could ever get elected to anything, right?
  18. https://www.facebook.com/reel/488806506856526
  19. This is a month or so old and I can't vouch for the accuracy, but . . .
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