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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Bullneck

  1. There was a promo on TV showing photos of different players and I thought, "who the hell was that" after one women's picture. I guess it was Vondo.
  2. I have not idea what you're talking about but +rep since you seem committed to it. 😀 OK, curiosity got the best of me:
  3. Merrick Garland should tell his prosecutors to keep the pedal to the metal no matter what. Get that evidence out there. If he wins, justice is cancelled and Garland will hang from a telephone pole anyway. Might as well go down swinging.
  4. Bullneck has some thoughts. It's not horribad. Looks like she's on the ferry to Martha's Vineyard. Reminds me of this:
  5. Isn't Kelly going to be busy senatoring? "You're going to need a crew as crazy as you. Who you got in mind?" Who would be the VP nominee?
  6. I think the women of America want two things: 1) their right to control their own bodies, and 2) someone who can make Trump look stupid in a debate. Kamala can do both of those things.
  7. That's the wind chill working to your advantage. Also:
  8. Wait till he finds out the little windmills inside the engines of his plane cause cancer.
  9. Wait, Icono is Macklemore? Or do they just like the same music so much they have the same avatar?
  10. Doubling down on the stupid, eh? Please show me the hyperbole. And then the self-delusion. And now for the inaccurate: Biden's performance got him in the position he's in.
  11. As you may have observed from the debate thread, I'm concerned about Biden's chances of defeating Trump in the election. This heightens the importance of the convention. I'm going to admit the obvious: Biden looked terrible and while I've always been open to the idea of someone taking over, I didn't think it was going to be this summer -- until last night. Both Gavin Newsom and Kamala Harris looked energetic and ready for a fight and I'm sure Pete is too.
  12. Michael Steele says, "Let Biden be Biden but make him realize how bad it was."
  13. OK, sorry to be a dick and all but this is funny.
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