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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by AugieBall

  1. Does not pass the smell test here and now. Adidas just had several guys get indicted and put in jail for pay for play. That means Adidas the company and its board and senior leadership have long since lawyered up to their eyeballs to "investigate" and play damage control. Nike is likely doing the same thing behind the scenes. I just cannot see any realistic scenario at all in which, while executives are going to jail, the company is still out there paying players. It is suicide. The DOJ can turn out your lights. You tell the feds, with as much sincerity as you can muster, that these were a few bad apples playing dirty pool unbeknownst to the leadership, and we SWEAR we will do whatever it takes to clean up our act. If the games continue after you say that and it comes to light (and since the FBI is actively investigating and has had wiretaps, cooperating witnesses, etc., it damn well might) turn out the lights, fellas. Ro Simon and his ilk might well try to play up their record to Adidas of "training" players who go on to Adidas schools in exchange for "sponsoring" their teams, which i assume includes paying the coach's salary. But unless i see proof otherwise, i have a hard time believing that shoe companies are still paying players under the table.
  2. Not that i have plans to start posting again, but it is good to see 1 or 2 of you.
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