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Certifiably Surly
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GhostOfTomJoad last won the day on May 26 2018

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  1. Well you see when these people and thousands (millions?) others stop receiving their checks, the administration will simply proclaim that to be a lie. Everyone who was supposed to get their benefits was paid, the others were fraudsters. And don't believe any reports from the lame stream liberal media. Whatever DOGE reports on X is the truth.
  2. He's a billionaire so eventually there's gotta be a doc on Iovine. And it should be fascinating. Swept studio floors. Swapped out tape reels. Might have lucked into his first big break by being awake when Bruce was recording 18+ hours a day for Born to Run and his job as "tape operator" got upgraded to an "engineering and mixing" credit. Then came Damn the Torpedoes followed by convincing Bruce to hand over Because the Night to Patti Smith for some lyric edits. And what he did after that to recognize the emergent power of hip hop and build an audio empire on cheap headphones w/ Dre on Beats? Nobody out hustled Jimmy Iovine.
  3. We're in the final stages of a month-long bedroom/bathroom reno. We've been living in our guest room w/ our cat the entire time w/ most of our clothes on storage racks in my wife's home office. The crew has been great, but six days a week, 8:30AM - 5 or 6ish PM of having people in & out of your house, construction noise & mess, etc., will wear you out. The quartz counter tops went in on Wed. The shower glass might be another couple weeks but we should be able to move back into the space this weekend and use most everything. Mrs GOTJ was thrilled about being able to soak in her garden tub again (a bone of contention w/ me: I think bathtubs are useless & wanted to rip it out to make a massive, two person walk-in shower space but she's one of those people who likes to soak in a big bowl of dirty water). The crew was installing the fixtures yesterday. All of the hardware was in the box EXCEPT the set screw that holds the Roman tub filler fixture to the deck and the little brushed nickel plug that covers up the screw hole. I go to Home Depot w/ the spigot. We confirm it's an M6 bolt, and of course they have nothing but standard bolts that are ugly as shit and will stick out like a dick on an earth worm. Oh, the back of the spigot faces the center of the bathroom and will be clearly visible as soon as you enter the space. I get hold of Ferguson/Build.com where we ordered all of the fixtures from and explain the situation. I've got the order number and everything. Trevor the CSA was very helpful and apologetic and found the exact part from the manufacturer's list (which wasn't documented anywhere in the provided parts list or installation paperwork). "We'll go ahead and get that ordered for you and shipped to you free of charge." Hey man, that's great news. Thanks! Then the fun part: it's back ordered w/ an ETA of 4-5 weeks. For a fucking set screw. I've convinced Mrs GOTJ that they can finish the install w/ a temporary ugly ass bolt just to get it done & it will be a simple fix when the part arrives. But one 78 cent screw--which would have cost me $22 if they didn't decide to do the right thing--is really pissing me off right now.
  4. Lulz. My friend who lives a couple blocks away has one of these. And he has the worst lawn on earth. He brags about how the bags it makes are so dense they weigh 50-60 lbs. He's probably only used it once or twice, but is always offering to loan it to someone because he thinks it's such a cool device. I'm sure it's buried in one of the 3 backyard sheds he has (because he can't fit anything more than one can of WD-40 in his hoarder's special garage. He's also got a riding lawn mower (doesn't work), a push mower (same), and has used a battery powered robot mower for the last two summers that just kinda wanders around like an outdoor Roomba without making any noticeable difference other than scaring the dog.
  5. I hope they have the vision to make sure ol' RC is memorialized enjoying a big bowl of Blue Bell ice cream.
  6. I would LOVE for someone to ask Casey to show the math to her assertion that aggy has more money than Texas. I'm sure she was basing this on the money they borrowed for capital improvement projects that they somehow claimed as income, but how the fuck does she claim that with a straight face?
  7. Zt-aggy Rollercoaster. It's just as predictable and inevitable.
  8. If your dad was a 5'7" Scandinavian living in Minnesota I'd swear he was my old man. Pops kept the mini-soaps and hotel matchbooks from all of his work travels. He kept the soap in several shoe boxes, but the matchbooks were prominently displayed in glass bowls throughout the house so guests would know he'd spent time in exotic places like the Guin, Alabama Ramada Inn or the Holiday Inn in Prairie du Chien. The soap went unused until the divorce from his second wife in '86 where she tried to take him to the cleaners. He decided that his austerity program would include foregoing store bought soap for his collection that was "perfectly fine" for him and his 17 yo son (my older sister wasn't having any of that). I think it took me a week to figure out that if I wanted to prevent my skin from looking like I was bathing with 100 grit sandpaper, the best thing was to use one bar a day to wash my feet then throw it out. It led to a lifelong commitment by me to spend a little bit more on personal care products that don't make you feel like you've washed yourself with Lava soap.
  9. I LOVE how her brief tenure as a volunteer firefighter (no disrespect; VFDs are still needed throughout the country) and one term as a council member equates to a "life dedicated to service." She should at least claim her time as a cam girl and drunken barfly at the Water Tank as service to the incels and drunkards. But what about her time stealing meds from assisted living patients? Is that part of her "standing up for what's right" platform?
  10. Never bought a paper clip in my life. But fuck if I don't have them in a half dozen drawers around the house.
  11. That's just Oklahoma making sure they stay first in line for federal funds to rebuild after the next tornado rips through that shit hole state.
  12. Yep. And this is just the first trial balloon for dotard. What will his next demands be for states to access emergency funds? Force them to open up state parks for development? "So it looks like you want a billion dollars to repair your towns after (insert natural disaster here), huh? Well, Elon and his crack team at DOGE tells us that equates to about 150,000 acres of your nature preserve over here. Sign on the dotted line and you get your money." Or does he get even more dictatorial and tell them they only get funds if they remove their D mayor, governor, etc., and force a special election where a MAGAt--funded by Musk--will take control?
  13. He's on his toes, wearing 2" boot heels, and reaching up to hug 5'9" Springsteen (who he's portraying in Deliver Me From Nowhere). Dude's gotta be in the 5'5" range.
  14. Vikings signed Jonathan Allen to a 3 year/$60mm deal. Should be a solid get assuming he's recovered from his torn pec.
  15. Now if he can convince dotard to join him on that maiden flight...
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