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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. Whenever I see pics of @immamac I think "surely this guy must keep a plumber on retainer just to clean the hair out of his shower drain."
  2. This guy's ready to kick some buckeye ass tonight. Hook em [emoji869]
  3. Journey's Raised on Radio tour at the FEC in '86. Glass Tiger opened. The tension amongst the band was palpable. Just a flat, going through the motions while thinking the guy onstage next to you is the real asshole. Only concert where I've ever seen a drummer play TWO solos. [emoji849] Just looked it up & was surprised to see Randy Jackson was the bassist for that tour.
  4. Just waiting for the orange fuck to blame the SoCal fires on Biden/Newsom and break out the old "rake the forests" tropes. At least the outgoing admin won't delay federal response/emergency declarations due to politics. Sorry, blue state voters. The leopards are gonna feast on you as well.
  5. Do you hear that, people? It's the sound of millions of razor blades scraping off Salt Life decals from truck windows in preparation for freshly minted Gulf of 'Murica vinyl. Get on the grift train while you can, print shop owners.
  6. Any ideas on who the teams are that have apparently reached out to MN inquiring about a trade for KOC?
  7. Give Scattebo his props. He's achieved legendary status at a school not renowned for producing difference makers at the collegiate level. He capped a memorable season by almost being good enough to knock off mighty Texas in the CFP. He'll never have to buy a beer in the state of AZ again. He'll get his shot in the NFL but odds are stacked heavily against him being on a squad in 3 years let alone being a starter or difference maker. He'll be 25 years old and hanging around Tempe, filming cheesy commercials for a car dealership and pulling ridiculously hot tail as a 5'8, 250lb balding dude with a face like a backhoe's shovel. He's hit his own life's lottery.
  8. That sure sounds like the beginning of a stump speech for Walters. When does the next senate seat open up in Oklahoma? He's a shoe-in w/ that bullshit.
  9. Jeff Ward just declared that Scattebo is unquestionably a 1st round pick & that his NFL comp is Saquon Barkley. Puff puff pass, Jeff.
  10. I like this team. They're fun to watch and play hard.
  11. One more time for '24, huh? Get home soon, AB.
  12. Burrow's gonna get one more shot. He ain't gonna put this on the foot of the kicker again.
  13. How was that not kick catch interference? Dude wrapped both arms around him.
  14. Are you not entertained/ gif goes here. Such shitty clock mgmt by Cincy.
  15. Has anyone ever followed up w/ Kayce and asked her to prove her assertion that A&M has more money than Texas in the years since that video has been posted? I'd be curious to see what evidence she'd present (incorrect as it would be).
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