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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. That's just Oklahoma making sure they stay first in line for federal funds to rebuild after the next tornado rips through that shit hole state.
  2. Yep. And this is just the first trial balloon for dotard. What will his next demands be for states to access emergency funds? Force them to open up state parks for development? "So it looks like you want a billion dollars to repair your towns after (insert natural disaster here), huh? Well, Elon and his crack team at DOGE tells us that equates to about 150,000 acres of your nature preserve over here. Sign on the dotted line and you get your money." Or does he get even more dictatorial and tell them they only get funds if they remove their D mayor, governor, etc., and force a special election where a MAGAt--funded by Musk--will take control?
  3. He's on his toes, wearing 2" boot heels, and reaching up to hug 5'9" Springsteen (who he's portraying in Deliver Me From Nowhere). Dude's gotta be in the 5'5" range.
  4. Vikings signed Jonathan Allen to a 3 year/$60mm deal. Should be a solid get assuming he's recovered from his torn pec.
  5. Now if he can convince dotard to join him on that maiden flight...
  6. Always start in the same bed, but when Mrs GOTJ was having a bad bout of RLS, she'd often go to the guest bedroom. I sleep like a stone & rarely move. Not gonna lie, it was nice to wake up in a king bed w/ plenty of extra room if I wanted to stretch out (and the cat cooperated). If I'm having a bout of insomnia, I'll often go downstairs & end up spending the rest of the night on the sofa. We've talked about the possibility of having separate twin beds (in the same room) later in life due to sleep patterns & mattress preferences. Seems a lot more cost effective than going w/ the high end his/her customized king option.
  7. Paxton = fraud + abuse + waste Abbott = waste + abuse Patrick = waste Holy shit, things are fucked to Bolivia when Danny Goeb is the least pathetic of the top 3 politicos in TX.
  8. Truth doesn't matter anymore. Just what is said by Rs on Fox News.
  9. I've seen it 3 times already this year between TCM's 31 Days of Oscars and it being on a steady rotation on HBO. It's absolutely timeless. "What is your nationality?" "I'm a drunkard." "That makes Rick a citizen of the world!"
  10. They've deified Trump. Their god is infallible, so any harm that befalls them is due to one of his acolytes acting on their own accord. But he fully supports it & does nothing to intervene.
  11. The Hobby Bldg has been demo'd and redeveloped (something about an "infestation" issue). Mrs GOTJ works out of a leased facility in N Austin that has been shrunk down to a third of its size pre-Covid. She currently goes in one day a week because that's all the space they have to accommodate the mgmt team.
  12. Hot wheels has sent an order demanding all state workers are to RTO five days a week effective (?) Should be a blast since many state agencies have downsized to the point that there aren't enough desks for everyone.
  13. My wife and I don't have kids so we've got a lot of freedom when it comes to retirement destinations. Ten years max before we exit Texas, and you'd better believe we'll be ramping up our research to include going the expat route.
  14. This is why cats are survivors. And if I'm dead & gone any of my pets are free to harvest me if it means they can survive until help arrives.
  15. I was on my way home and switched over to 590AM right before noon. I have no idea what show was airing/who the hosts were, just that it was two white men playing the clips of dotard & JV acting like petulant fucktards. Then the hosts were like "wow, we have NEVER heard that kind of leadership from the Oval Office in the history of our country, have we?" We are turbo fucked.
  16. Anyone not familiar with The Conversation needs to correct that post haste. It's Hackman at his best, and Coppola in a lean, gritty form that he pretty much abandoned. Harry Caul is his best performance ever.
  17. I'm going to look into that Rain Bird. It's probably 40-45' from spigot to the trees. We're planting 4 of them in a straight line, trunk to trunk span will be 50' or so. We're basically building a large evergreen privacy fence/shade from the morning sun. Oak wilt took out the two massive split trunk oaks we had a number of years ago. Looking for hardy, drought tolerant trees that will block the sun when I'm watching sports early in the morning on the patio TVs & hide the view of the neighbors behind us (renters w/ young boys, a trampoline & a crappy grad they don't maintain.
  18. Don't sleep on how fucking funny he was in Get Shorty. Harry Zimm was such a clown, but he played it so sincerely you believed he didn't know how much of a dumb schmuck he really was.
  19. Legend. He made bad movies worthwhile, good movies great, and great movies iconic. The Conversation is a masterclass in acting. I'm sure others have read about how he thought that Hoosiers was garbage during the production & how he told Hopper it would end their careers. He was as shocked as could be at the final product.
  20. Yep. Peter Stormarme (nihilist) talks about how while filming Fargo (Grimsrud) during a first cut of a scene he said "we stop at the pancakes house" and the Coens immediately yelled 'cut'. They told him to check his script and to read it as written (we stop at pancakes house). He said when read the line he figured it was just a simple mistake by the typist to leave out the word 'the', but then understood it was intentional & integral to his character's speech patterns. He said that's when understood that not only did the Coens know every single word of their script, they considered all of them to be essential, and it was his job as an actor to deliver every word with that level of respect.
  21. I'm selfishly kinda bummed about the fact that John Goodman was too big to fit into the car the Coens had originally scripted the Dude to own-a LeBaron-because I had a '79 as my hand me down ride in high school and you know I could kinda sorta claim some degree of coolness all these years later.
  22. Can any of you pros offer recommendations for good soaker hoses? We're going to have 3 or 4 Arizona Cypress trees planted in our (large) backyard next week and we know that we'll need to give them a lot of water and TLC throughout this first summer. We've only got one spigot available in the back so the plan is to coil the soaker around a tree daily and then alternate throughout the week.
  23. I'll be out there with y'all. Except at 55 I still walk comically fast & my wife has to always tell me to slow down because her surgically repaired toe (thanks to Texas Ex Kris Stockton) can't keep up. For 20+ years I've given away annual National Park passes to family and friends as gifts. Most recipients were truly thankful. Some took up the same tradition. Before my dad was eligible for the free senior pass I'd bought one for him and his bitch of a wife for 2 or 3 years straight. At one point he pulled me aside and said "you're kind of wasting your money by giving this to us. We're not hikers (he's got a bad knee; she's got MS). " I told him I didn't care if they used it or not, but I damn sure wanted to make sure my money was going to something worthwhile than just a gift certificate to Applebee's or Chili's or some shit chain restaurant they like to eat at.
  24. Y'see, I had him going for the easy bags of cash available by going on the fundagelical church speaking tour for the next 6-9 months. During that time, he'd have a ghostwriter pen "Wokeness Wounded Me, But Lord Trump Saved Me: One Man's Journey to Salvation through MAGA" which the GQP would buy 3 million copies of to hand out at their klan rallies. The book tour would merge nicely w/ non-stop guest appearances on Fox, OAN, Newsmax, etc., where he could publicly fellate dotard. This would last until about the end of the first year of Trump's term so he'd likely be up for a cabinet post by that time since dotard will have begun firing those unqualified losers he'd nominated 12 months ago who didn't have the courage to hold the Constitution to his boil covered butt while wiping his ass with it.
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