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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. Was wondering the same thing. Haven't been able to access surly via tapa since about noon yesterday.
  2. Gotta be one of the biggest money laundering operations of all time.
  3. I got my first one ever last Sunday. I might have replied "eat shit, fuck off & get the hell out of my country" or words to that effect.
  4. Her direct offensive attack on dotard lasted what, a week? Just long enough for her to look tough, but then she immediately floated pardoning Trump. She's as spineless as the rest of the GQP.
  5. "Why would I sell my trophies online when I already know a guy" is quite an angle.
  6. Is there any chance of Iowa's Democratic party rebranding themselves a la Minnesota and their Democrat Farm Labor (DFL) party? It obviously takes more than just changing the letterhead to change Iowa blue, but Iowa has too many sensible moderates to be stuck with full on GQP/MAGA leadership.
  7. It's the only answer she can give, shitty as it is. Her only chance at the nomination is Trump's continued legal woes and/or him becoming physically incapacitated. Whatever slim hope she has depends on her not entirely alienating the GQP base. The MAGAts will never vote for a non-Trump candidate but she might be able to steal enough other votes along the way to make it interesting.
  8. No, the first part of my response was "Jala's awesome." And she is. She's great in many ways & I watch her religiously every Sat and Sun morning. But she fucks up names on the reg (as I'm sure others do; I just don't watch them) & I hope that it's not held against her. And I refuse to believe that over 34 pages that La Quita Culpepper has NOT been given her proper accolades. I saw her first (probably quite literally; she lived down the street in HS).
  9. I wouldn't credit the cheering "fans" much. They were likely a mixture of his traveling sycophants + some random they gave twenty bucks and a t-shirt to stand in the front row & make noise. It's as phony and staged as any of his events. What I can't wait to see is the GQP members in the wild wearing those hideous things. I'm sure Ted Cruz has already ordered a pair. MTG too. But when Abbott rolls up sporting a pair it will truly be the chef's kiss of idiocy.
  10. Jala is awesome but my God she can barely read a teleprompter. One of these days I'm afraid KXAN is going to can her for being unable to pronounce names & words for shit, but maybe they're just cool with her being so bad because how many people really care at 7AM on Saturday?
  11. Appreciate the insight as someone who never served. I get that Kubrick was trying to showcase the lack of education in many of the Vietnam-era enlistees/draftees, but that line always sounds forced to me. I'll try to hear it with new ears going forward.
  12. Dude, he's 81 fucking years old. How much runway do you think he has left to use?
  13. Honestly this line is so cringe in its writing and delivery it always makes me wince. Maybe the only misstep for me in the entire film.
  14. Holy shit did they nail it, other than making the man & woman in Oklahoma good looking with full sets of teeth.
  15. In the Esquire article they indicate it was Ray Charles speaking up and saying "ring the bell, Quincy" loud enough to be heard by most that led to Quincy regaining control & focusing the group on the task at hand. Did that make the doc? I can't imagine how much weight Ray Fucking Charles could throw in a room just by speaking up.
  16. He's in his afterglow during those 6-12 hours.
  17. Baylor is heading back to their roots.
  18. That's just the kinda hot take slorch uses to keep him warm while tech wanders the cold, desolate wasteland of irrelevance (aka "Lubbock").
  19. They all seem to have moved to "inflation has made all of my gains meaningless."
  20. Two key Niners players go down on non-contact plays.
  21. Expect plenty of McCaffrey on this drive.
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