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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. God I hate Sean McDonough.
  2. Nice false start, aggy. 3rd and 13.
  3. They're just staying w/ the overhead cam view far away from the field. Looks like aggy is gathered around him/praying.
  4. RB got blown up on the sideline.
  5. Elko had best get himself a big ol' bag of dicks to start munching on along the sidelines. Cocks are going in dry.
  6. Picked this up today for our celebratory toast when Kamala wins and the hope that it indeed leads to dotard's conviction. Love a hidden message to go with a tasty dram.
  7. Miserable, rainy, cold night in Ames. Campbell with the "what happened?" after Tech just ran it down the field to take the lead.
  8. 1st and goal from the one foot line should be the call.
  9. ISU is playing with fire here. Nice play by the DB but the WR damn near hauled that in for the go ahead TD.
  10. Cyclones w/ the redemption TD.
  11. Cyclone kicker with the shank.
  12. Tech w/ the delay of game on 4th and 1 they were going for is pretty peak Tech.
  13. Yep. So they can immediately pivot to bullshit claims of a rigged election. Wash, rinse & repeat.
  14. Dude, when you've said & done as much shit that would be an automatic disqualifier for any other candidate than dotard & none of it seems to stick it just gets tossed on the pile of "no fucks left to give."
  15. Woke up to the sound of Mrs GOTJ crying at 2AM. She'd woken from a nightmare that TFG won, and mobs of Trumpkins were wandering the streets in search of immigrants, LGBTQ+, and women to lock up. Trying to calm her fears & reassure her that Harris is going to win gets more challenging every day w/ the constant onslaught of bullshit polling & media frenzy in search of clicks & eyeballs.
  16. On the drive home I picked up about 5 minutes of KLBJ AM. They're to the point where they're imploring their knuckle dragging listeners to vote while entertaining the callers questioning how many illegal aliens are voting and will that be enough to swing the election. When Mark and Melynda are trying to put lipstick on the Trump pig you've gotta feel good about things.
  17. Yep. I found my confirmation using the correct date. Thanks for the link.
  18. He's the most successful coach in the history of their program. They're not running him out after one bad year. He would need 2-3 completely non-competitive years + some off field controversy for them to consider moving on.
  19. Well, gotta thank Mrs GOTJ for being on top of things. She checked the SoS list of counted ballots & her name is listed but not mine. She's emailed the Wilco elections administration the deets to see what's what. I voted 10/21, she voted 10/22. Is this the point where I yell and shout election interference & that a transgender illegal immigrant freshly escaped from prison stole my ballot & cast a vote for Trump on the way to raping children & eating someone's pet?
  20. First Born....wow, hadn't thought of that in decades and yet I can remember almost the entire thing. RIP, Teri. She was fantastic in Tootsie as the neurotic, self-conscious wannabe actress.
  21. Fucking kickers, man.
  22. LOL the blonde w/ the boobs and the look like her brother just gave her a creampie 🤣
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