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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. Now THAT'S how tech QBs are supposed to be treated. Hello, Mr. Ford.
  2. Establish the run, Joey. Take the air out of the ball.
  3. Yeah, you knew we were overdue for a holding call from Mar.
  4. We need a defensive score to finish this thing in style.
  5. Sanders saying "don't hog the spotlight, X"
  6. Agreed. And it will be awesome to see him play next week in Arlington.
  7. Jesus, why are they letting Worthy back out on the field?
  8. Taaffe with the wheels downfield on that return.
  9. Joey Mugshot is wishing he'd called that play right about now.
  10. Sorry to see that your thumb was amputated and replaced with your big toe.
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