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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. Just as we're going in & ready to step on their throat...the turnover which will almost certainly lead to a tech score
  2. Hand off on 3rd and 23. Did you sit on your grapes, Joey?
  3. Mar called holding on tech? What universe is this?
  4. Keep putting 'em through the uprights, Auburn.
  5. Decent breakfast tacos have been consumed with a slice of pie for early morning dessert. Waiting for this Kerrville fog to burn off so we can head back to Austin.
  6. This. There's a pretty fascinating behind the scenes article by Variety or Rolling Stone of the USA for Africa recording session that begins with the story of a young John Oates listening to music in his room as a teenage boy. It details all of the work behind the scenes to record that shitty song that raised a ton of cash & awareness. Let's just say that Darryl Hall doesn't come across in the best light. He's pretty impressed by himself (not that a huge ego makes him unique in the recording industry). Edit: it was in Esquire. Damn good read. https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/music/a32868751/we-are-the-world-history-interview/
  7. Team Rah-za-lynn here. Of course I'm old enough to remember that godawful sitcom Carter Country with Victor Grench and Kene Holiday. "Handle it, handle it!"
  8. "Please come down from your high horse, mean ol' Texas, and keep playing tech so we can maintain some tiny bit of relevance. "
  9. Rig12 refs working this game? Russ's knee was clearly down before throwing that ball away on 3rd down. Should've been a sack and 11 yard loss.
  10. Holy shit, Dobbs. You had no business making that TD pass. Wow.
  11. Holy shit. I never noticed that significant detail. It makes sense now since otherwise he'd have to be surfing/posting 20+ hours a day.
  12. Y'all trying to make sense of Derka's "logic" need to sit back, take a breath, and recognize that the value he brings to this board is limited to when he's not here he's scouring a couple dozen onlyfans accounts for pics to upload which guarantees him +rep. If you don't like soft core pron then put him on ignore.
  13. Plus the announcers all are coming to terms with losing Austin as a destination each year. Waco, Lubbock, Manhattan...lulz.
  14. Fuck seeing this stupid Jared Lehto reading of Viva Las Vegas a second time. Horribad.
  15. Let your nuts hang, boys! Fuck you, Campbell. Buy-bye, Ames.
  16. So he keeps yelling "AFLAC!" after every call against ISU?
  17. Baxter's flashing just what he can do on that run. Wow.
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