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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. Yeah, it's totally normal for a random 60-something tech grad to interrupt a group of people cheering in a bar asking to verify their credentials & then pass judgement on who is "allowed' to celebrate a victory. We didn't bother to ask her if our friend was allowed to root for Tech given his lack of diploma.

    Never, ever, ever, ever, huh? Well, it's a good thing I've got a sense of humor & can laugh at myself. Seeing as how I started the whole infamous post almost a decade ago. 

    Go wash the sand out of your vag, slorch. You seem extra irritable this morning.

  2. 1 minute ago, slorch said:

    In all seriousness, I'm surprised you even watched the game...

    Oooh, is that a Twilight burn?!? Never stop being you, slorch.

    I watched it at my local pub with a bunch of friends, including a rabid Tech fan. He didn't go to any college but no one calls him a t-shirt fan or gives him any crap for his fandom. CSB, immediately after the game some old lady that no one had seen before sticks her face into our circle of 10 or so as we celebrated and starts asking "what year did you drop out of tu" and "when did you buy your t-shirt?" She then proudly told us that she graduated from Tech in '78. 

    None of us knew her from Adam. And except for our youngTech fan friend we range in age from mid 40s to mid 70s. Nobody was talking shit in our Cedar Park bar that is a heavy Longhorn bar. But this old hag decided to go all aggy on a group of random, middle-aged strangers. When she discovered that I was the only Texas alum (others graduated from Ohio, Florida, Midwestern State & North-freaking-Dakota) she says "oh, well I guess you can celebrate then."

    We laughed in her face & our oldest friend said "thanks for giving him permission."

  3. Oh for fuck's sake. Did he plant a flag in the end zone? Jump around & pound on his chest after the score? No.  He's a kid who just scored the game winning TD in spectacular fashion. The reporter asked him if he knew the significance of that spot. He even chuckled after claiming it was "LJ's corner now." I don't think his harmless little comment is going to change the Official Commemorative Status of Michael Crabtree's Super Duper Game Winning End Zone Corner.

  4. 3 minutes ago, slorch said:

    Not butthurt.

    I like LJH.

    And yet in this thread & the game thread within minutes you've posted two swipes at LJH basically saying he doesn't deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as your Crabby. But totally not butthurt or nothing. Gotcha.

  5. That Dwight gif is scarily accurate. Except the FIL is a 77-year old alcoholic. When he drew his Glock across us & we both immediately ducked hard to our right he looked at us with the biggest "WTF?" expression ever.

    As I was clutching my trembling wife he asked "what's your problem?"

    I shouted back (bonus: he's deaf as a post & won't wear his VA-provided hearing aides) "whatever happened to safety first?"

    He picks up the pistol, says "the safety is on", then draws it back across us for a second time while putting it down on his bench. 

  6. You poor bastards who have to try and make two Thanksgiving meals in one day must be gluttons for punishment.

    I remember being carted around as a kid in MN between both sets of grandparents but that was only about twenty miles total round trip from our house. Of course the weather made it dicey at times. Lemme pour out some in respect of our '73 Plymouth Suburban station wagon with the 440 V8 getting us through the snow and ice.

  7. This literally sounds like the worst thing ever. Please report back on how it goes. 
    Oh yeah, the horrible possibilities are endless. Someone will try to demand that everyone wear the exact same thing. Someone will be pissed off about where they're seated in the pic. A young baby is gonna puke on an old relative just before the shoot.

    Popcorn gif goes here.
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  8. My in-laws' ranch is outside of Harper so not too far from you, Hate. They had some damage to their road during the recent flood and the FIL managed to bust a tie-rod on his F-150 plus booger up his ATV trying to cross shit he had no business trying to cross. Wife talked to her mom during the worst of it & she reported that they were OK because neighbors were able to bring them some eggs plus a carton of cigs for the FIL so crisis was averted. Lol.

    To our benefit, the in-laws hate hosting events out at the ranch & we haven't done Thanksgiving out there in years. In fact, it's been just over 2 years since we visited, due in large part to my drunken FIL pointing a loaded pistol at both his daughter (my wife) and me while unholstering it the last time we were there. Good times.

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