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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. Holgo up 14-3 on Gundy. It appears that dozens of fans in the stadium are entertained at this point.
  2. Fucking A, Mormons. Hold on to the fucking ball.
  3. In what has turned out to be quite the shocker, MIL has declared she is going to prepare turkey for Thanksgiving in a group text including my wife and her older brother. They both replied w/ versions of "but...you hate turkey" and "do you even know how to roast a bird", but she's undeterred. My wife asked me if I could call her mom & give her some tips, share my brine recipe w/ her, etc. since she's afraid we might be experiencing a Clark Griswold turkey carving moment. I texted the MIL and she said she found a great recipe on Food Network (which is pretty much all she watches these day)she wants to try. We've got a 50/50 chance of an edible bird. Mrs GOTJ has cranberry and pumpkin pie detail and both will be spot on. BIL texted me last night saying that his mom just finished having a new limestone patio installed in the lower yard that includes a gas line for a fire pit that he and I are to assemble on Thanksgiving day. He's opted to bring bourbon rather than scotch this year but all in all, things are shaping up nicely. And I just got my text from HEB saying most of our curbside items are ready. Which means we're going to have to actually venture inside a store at some point this weekend. After that, I'm putting up the decorations and watching football all day. Good luck, you surly assholes. We're all counting on your safe return and humorous recounting of your families' insanity.
  4. Tune in next week when the Caped Crusader tackles his next greatest foe...Ill-fitting Double-breasted Suit Man!
  5. Is there anything more Looch than to claim that Campbell is too loyal to leave Detroit before presumably winning the Super Bowl because he's so invested in the community, but that once he's achieved that he's going to come back to College Station so he can achieve the greatest success by winning at aggy?
  6. If I were a betting man I'd say this Wednesday on the eve of Thanksgiving. Seems fitting. They did so much for which citizens of the world should stop and be thankful for.
  7. As a kid in MN in the '70s it was nothing to go to the local drug store with a handwritten note from your parents and some cash to buy their [emoji377]. They never batted an eye until you hit about 12 or 13 and then they checked the penmanship & would call the phone # to make sure it was legit.
  8. The picture of the childrens' body bags lined up in the hallway in Uvalde should be made into an xmas card and mailed to every single politician who accepts a dime from the NRA.
  9. Never smoked but like almost everyone in the 60s and 70s the parents did. Dad smoked Old Gold and the birthing device preferred Benson & Hedges. Old Gold had little green coupons in them that were a predecessor to Camel bucks. My dad had shoe boxes full of those little green cards. When he quit smoking (Feb 26, 1981) he gathered up the boxes & had me sort & count them all. I forget how many thousands he had, but he redeemed them for one of the early Toro electric weed eaters.
  10. Just found out we're driving to Kerrville early Thanksgiving morning to spend it w/ the MIL, the BIL and possibly his college-aged son if he's not working that day. Should be chill, and although the MIL is not much of a cook it at least won't be a fussy meal on fine china. She hates turkey so I'd guess a ham w/ some fixings and my wife will make the potatoes. Throw in some wine and the BIL is normally good for some speyside and a cigar or two and it should be an alright time. We'll spend the night and head back first thing Fri morning. And...scene.
  11. Vikings can't run the ball when they need it most.
  12. Who stands to profit more: the P5 coaches who are about to get a raise due to rumors of aggy trying to hire them/their staff, or the current aggy players looking to portal out of CS?
  13. Rig 12 refs gonna review the incomplete pass in a six TD game being played in a deluge. So on brand. And they can never ever ever ever get rid of him. Ever.
  14. That's just bacon grease dripping from his pores.
  15. Pokes bringing in Rangel to hand off the ball. Might as well start loading up the bus, Gundy.
  16. Did Bowman catch the throwing arm AIDS this week? And from their own goal line UCF picks up 40 on the first play after the TO on downs.
  17. Perfect call on the 2 point try. Dropped.
  18. UCF is gonna hang half a hunnert on Gundy.
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