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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. Mrs. Ghost and I are planning for 10-12 more years before pushing the button. We'd both be near 60 which would be a good time for us to get out & do the things we like to do (travel, hike, volunteer, etc). Don't have any desire to work after retirement & unless things go tits up there shouldn't be a need, but we'll both continue our volunteer efforts with animal rescue being a priority. Just in our blood. Shoot, my grandparents were delivering meals on wheels when they were both almost 90. Many of the people on their routes were decades younger than them!

  2. 2 minutes ago, sachick said:

    It should. But it won’t. Trumps hard core supporters see these kids as ‘animals.’ They shouldn’t have committed the crime of crossing the border illegally.

    Yep. "They came to took er jobbbs" jpeg goes here. They were just gonna come on up & steal those jobs at the beautiful, clean coal mines. 

  3. Obama played about 300 rounds of golf over 8 years, and Trump is more than a third of the way there after a little over a year.  Yet all the people who regularly criticized Obama for playing golf are still silent. 
    Well in fairness, Obama had a little more pigmentation than Trump which rustled the jimmies of many, many fucksticks in this country.
  4. It's righteous shit from San Antonio. Just discovered it a month ago but they've been around for ages. Big pack at Costco is about 15 bucks. I hear you can get smaller packs at HEB, etc. Great heat. Comes on after the bite. Threw it on the smoker for about an hour while brisket was resting. Pumped some extra pecan on to jazz it up.041371c8cde418176b4d902108c7b087.jpg

  5. On 5/24/2018 at 3:57 PM, utee94 said:

    Yeah it was 3.29 for prime packers at my Cedar Park Costco, too.  That's a pretty standard price so I guess there's no sale for Memorial Day.


    They were $3.59/lb yesterday. I'm kicking myself for not getting one last week when they were 30 cents/lb cheaper.

  6. Put this 10 lber on about 15 minutes ago. Bullet is locked at 225°. Time for some coffee. My dog's got the first shift.

    And for the lulz, the patio TV is on and a Traeger infomercial is airing. Happy smoking, you surly bastards 140a4a486604a840a913614423afe179.jpgbddf3b699e044c5f9c51e44a9d4486d4.jpg

    • Like 1
  7. Carson, Perry, De Vos, etc are incompetent window dressing in the pantheon of Trump appointees, but Pruitt is terrifying. Unlike the others, he's actively engaged & motivated to do shit--bad, detrimental shit--that will negatively impact our environment for years (decades?) to come. Just so he can fill his pockets & live high on the hog at the taxpayers' expense.

    I'm beyond flabbergasted that he wasn't run out of town on a rail 6 months ago.

    • Like 4
    • Fuck You 1
  8. No kids. Had Dr Chopp do his magic about 13 years ago. Almost painless. Wife was very appreciative & made it up to me many, many times over. Hell, I almost wish I could do it again after all these years for the gratitude and sympathy sex

  9. 5 hours ago, RomaVicta said:

    Fargo. Disliked the first viewing, but that may have been due to an audience over-anxious to demonstrably laugh at everything.

    I remember seeing Fargo opening weekend at the old Arbor Cinema (if anyone remembers that place; now it's a Cheesecake Factory). I spent the first 15 years of my life in Minnesota and Fargo absolutely KILLED me, it so perfectly captured the characters. I swear I felt I was looking at relatives & neighbors I'd known all my life. And I was one of maybe 3 or 4 people in a packed theater who was laughing. When the film ended I was applauding & the rest of the audience seemed to walk out with a collective "what the fuck was that" reaction.

    I don't know if this officially counts, but I never made it through the first Guardians of the Galaxy & never bothered with the second, but having watched Infinity War last weekend I'm intrigued enough by the characters to give it a second shot.

  10. Castaway is my nod. Robert Zemekis did his best to Spielberg the shit out of this thing. Originally I saw Hanks doing his best De Niro impersonation. And failing.

    But almost 20 years down the road it holds up surprisingly well. Zemekis did one great thing in eschewing any soundtrack for just the natural noise of waves & wind in the trees. Give it time & it will pull you into the environment.

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