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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. Daaaaaamn gif goes here.
  2. Coming soon, Project Two Thousand and Twenty-Five which absolutely, positively is NOT the same 900 page playbook put inside of a new three-ring binder with a different colored cover.
  3. Solid flick. Keaton showed a deft touch as a director and wore his love of noir on his sleeve.
  4. The expense of a facility will be used by the BIL--and possibly the SIL--to justify why he doesn't need that type of help. He's currently unemployed/semi-retired but has made a very good living over the past 30+ years. But they are planning a wedding for their daughter & have another child in college so they have reasons to be cost conscious. Although one would think that it wouldn't take long to tally up the money they've blown on hospital and ER visits over the past 6 and realize rehab will be a cost savings.
  5. That's his attempt to capture the 18-34 demographic.
  6. If anyone can recommend a facility in the Spring/Tomball area or nearby please PM me. BIL had another incident this week and his wife has come to terms with the fact he's unable to stop & she isn't equipped to help him through this journey by herself.
  7. I bet it sounds like a combination of a cat hacking up a hairball and a trash dumpster being drug across concrete at 3AM.
  8. Other posters have already spoken to the policies, freedoms and protections the democratic ticket represents. I'd just add that it's a simple matter of enthusiastically voting for adults who wish to do the difficult, tedious, day in and day out work of governing.
  9. If-and that's a big if--there is a debate between Harris & Trump that needs to be question #1 by the hosts. They likely wouldn't have the brains/balls to ask him to clarify that statement, but I DO have faith that Kamala would corner him and hammer away with his owns words throughout the debate.
  10. Edward Norton as Pete Seeger is making me feel really fucking old. Looks promising. And now's my time to plug Scorsese's 'No Direction Home' which is an essential documentary about more than just Dylan but of the history of American folk, country, R&B and rock 'n roll in the early part of the 20th century.
  11. The couch molester nodding along in unison while his own mushroom dick begins to get enchubbened at dotard's tale of stealing children from their mothers is sure something.
  12. Legend.
  13. That's a fucking horrible putting stroke. The only people who flip their wrists like that while putting are cheaters who claim a gimme for any ball that's within 15' of the cup.
  14. I've heard a Texas-ex who flew on two shuttle missions give a presentation & it was like listening to a CPA discuss new tax codes. She had a couple of well rehearsed anecdotes, but for the most part the entire audience was stifling yawns. Being an astronaut involves being methodical & calculated at a level most could never dream of.
  15. He's paraphrasing a significant line of dialogue from Javier's character Anton Chigurh in No Country For Old Men.
  16. Can they sprinkle in some birther bullshit & claim she's not eligible?
  17. Coons on MSNBC says he believe that Harris will inherit not just the funds but also the entire re-election staff & infrastructure. Big if true.
  18. The timing of this is excellent. The last images of Trump was his ridiculous, droning lie-fest at the RNC. Seventy-two hours later the news cycle is nothing but Biden's courage in putting the country first and the systematic support of Democrats of VP Harris. A steady rolling out of endorsements over the next 24 hours will be beautiful to watch.
  19. Biden just endorsed Harris via his SM.
  20. Thanks for your service, Joe. I raise a toast to ya. Now let's get the job done & stave off the fascists.
  21. So now that the RNC is over, how much longer will dotard continue to wear the maxi-pad on his ear? His boo-boo didn't need stitches and doesn't require a bandage anywhere near that size. Unless he had a plastic surgeon make the wound look more severe than it was after the fact. But it's hard to believe anyone as vain as him would allow himself to be intentionally scarred even if the goal is to gain a few sympathy votes.
  22. Legend. RIP, Bob.
  23. Except it wasn't just a "bad debate performance." It was a "holy fuck please let the entire broadcast center crash & not let a second of this epic meltdown be aired" performance. I'm going to fill my 2020 Cup of Joe mug w/ Irish whiskey & proudly raise it in his honor. He's overperformed & created stability from the chaotic ruins of Trump's term. But all of that will be undone 1,000X over if he doesn't listen to the adults in the room. Resign w/ dignity, give Harris a leg up & your full endorsement, & hope like hell that America can once again stave off the growing fascist theocracy that's at our doorstep.
  24. Trump never admits he's wrong because doing so implies weakness. His acolytes follow suit.
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