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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. Man, and I thought my 30byear old beer fridge dying today was the worst smell I was going to experience. Nope. The bitchassedness from yet another game thread where we won takes the prize.
  2. Shankapotamus[emoji869][emoji869][emoji869][emoji869][emoji869][emoji869]
  3. There's not a better RB in the nation.
  4. Brooks doing the job of a man. TD Texas [emoji869]
  5. Mar's fucking voice cracked overturning that call. Fuckstick.
  6. This is a ridiculous amount of time for an easy review to overturn.
  7. That's a Longhorn recovery. Fuck you, Marr
  8. 3 straight Baxter runs for 2 first downs
  9. Gift pick by Taaffe to start the 2nd!
  10. Worthy is too fast to wait on his blocks. Lulz.
  11. 3 and out and Watts should have had the INT
  12. Defense ain't playing around [emoji869]
  13. Sanders with the willing block on that reverse.
  14. Brooks back in and jitter bugging for the first down is a good sign.
  15. Sweat just knocked Howard's dick in the dirt from behind.
  16. Baxter to the house [emoji869][emoji869][emoji869][emoji869]
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