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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. Just like the "grab 'em by the pussy" audiotape was sure to do 2 weeks before the election in 2016? Or the "just find me 11,000 votes" tape from Georgia? Or the J6 insurrection unfolding live on TV for hours? Trump is the fucking Terminator. He's an indestructible exoskeleton of evil stupidity wrapped in rotting orange flesh, fried food grease, and shit. It's like that scene in Platoon when Chris realizes Barnes killed Elias and he's trying to get the other grunts to frag him as payback. Rhah reminds everyone that Barnes had been shot six times already and he wasn't dead yet. "The only thing that can kill Barnes...is Barnes." Insert Trump.
  2. GhostOfTomJoad

    Pearl Jam

    Why does this seem more difficult to do than Keef chugging from the bottles of Jack & beer plus whatever pills or powder he had stored on top of his amps in the '70s? Unless Eddie was chugging bottles of sauv blanc or some other super crisp white I can't imagine how raw his throat would be.
  3. The MAGATs eat this shit up. Noem trying to twist the narrative from her lying about having met w/ KJU into her not wanting to discuss her "important" meetings w/ world leaders while insinuating KJU's name was removed on her behalf due to the top secret nature of her discussions is just the type of fodder the Shadow Government crowd loves to hear.
  4. Maybe stretching the topic, but McMurtry posting a badass 24 track deck is damn cool.
  5. Pretty sure that this is physically impossible, but is there any chance that a medical condition could cause one's BAC to be elevated to extreme levels without consuming alcohol? I was a BLS responder on a corporate response team for many years and witnessed Px going through diabetic ketoacidosis, but that wasn't a sustainable state (they either improved w/ treatment or continued to plummet w/ their glucose levels). BIL has had several bizarre experiences the past 3-4 months, including 2 hospital stays. His latest was yesterday when his wife found him stumbling into walls and speaking gibberish. She took him to the ER where they initially focused on his kidney values (he has some family history/underlying issues). His BAC was .24 after his second blood draw. His glucose was also elevated. His wife thinks he's developed type 2 diabetes (runs in his family; his younger brother died due to complications of it plus kidney disease). He's never been shy about his love of beer and bourbon, but he claims he hadn't had anything to drink on Saturday prior to his incident & hospital trip. That's almost certainly not true, but even if he did drink something is it possible his body would amplify the effects to the point that his BAC would read 3X the legal limit?
  6. Plus, it gives cover fire for the "conservatives" who totally disagree w/ the GQP, J6, think Trump's rhetoric is too inflammatory, etc., to say "see, he's going to have a level-headed #2 in his administration which proves he's learning to become more presidential. He certainly won't repeat all of the mistakes he made last time."
  7. "Reliable + low-drama" translates to "yes man who knows how to stay out of the spotlight" in Trump-speak. Plus, he's short. Can't have anyone on the ticket that threatens Trump's (lack of) manhood.
  8. Now you see why MN had to move up a pick. They must've outbid Denver for JJ.
  9. Just waiting for the inevitable moment where my Vikes bundle their two 1st rd picks and move up to draft their next Christian Ponder [emoji90]
  10. Solid. Any reasoning Prime didn't make rhe Bad or Ugly?
  11. What kills me is that the GOP from 1970 - 2012ish would have looked at Ukraine as a fucking wet dream. Hey Reagan, GHWB, et al, what do you say about a proxy war against the Evil Empire that will allow the US to deplete the Russian military, get real world testing of many of our advanced tactical and defense systems, and oh yeah, keep the military contractors who fund your campaigns and reside heavily in your voting districts fat and happy with billions of dollars rolling in on the reg? Yet somehow Moscow Marge the other knuckle draggers are trying to make Ukraine the fascist threat against American values and interests. What a fucking world.
  12. Yep. Quita was class of '87, I was '88. Good times.
  13. So a grown man wearing a Boba Fett shirt AND has a big Star Wars toy hanging in his garage bought a CT? Where's Triumph the Insult Dog when you need him?
  14. Control. Madonna wants her fans to know it's her world & you play by her rules. Maybe an extension of the dominatrix persona she uses?
  15. Watch Fleetwood finish solo 2nd.
  16. Holy Gag-Man, Collin.
  17. That was a pretty epic kiss of death. Bravo.
  18. And Homa might be dead in the azaleas.
  19. Morikawa just ejected.
  20. Scottie needs a 35 on the back for his 2nd green jacket.
  21. Okay that would be a baller move by Åberg if he pulls off the miracle. Chipotle and lutefisk for the champion's dinner would kill half of the room.
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