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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. Does this mean every other scene will begin with someone having coffee and sandwiches? 😉 Or, on the positive side, is Blomkvist having sex with every other woman he encounters and if so, are they hot?
  2. Yeah, Claire Foy played her in The Girl in the Spider's Web which I think was based on the unfinished 4th book by Stieg Larsson. I've never watched it & have heard nothing about it that makes me want to seach for it. Apparently both Craig & Mara really liked their characters & wanted to make the next 2, but Fincher said he wasn't interested & that was the end of it.
  3. Anyone seen it/recommend? I really enjoyed the Finch version w/ Craig & Mara. I'm still shocked that it flopped & they scrapped plans for the other 2. I'm almost through reading the books after a friend loaned them to me the other week. Mrs GOTJ is going to be out of town this weekend & I'm thinking about binging the Swedish trilogy but before I fork over the money to stream them or do the free trial then drop dance I thought I'd ask the crowd. The books are so-so, but the Lisabeth Salander character is compelling. I know the Swedish actor who portrays her received a lot of accolades for her performance. Worth it or nah?
  4. Rob Lowe comes across as a very self-aware dude. I've heard him do some guest DJing on E Street Radio & he talks candidly about being a kid with a crazy dream of being an actor, not knowing how he was going to accomplish that goal, but knowing it would take a lot of work & determination to get anywhere. He doesn't bitch like some & complain he's not taken seriously as an actor because he's handsome. He knows his limitations & accepts that he gets work because he's a very good looking character actor. That's not a bad career 40 years down the road.
  5. Black Magic Woman by Santana--which seems to be playing on a radio station at all times somewhere in San Antonio--is example 1A for me. I'm switching channels before the sustain on that first note rings.
  6. On my drive home yesterday I passed a car hauler on 183N loaded with CTs. Since traffic was creeping along at about 30 mph I could watch the other drivers on the road laugh as that hauler full of stupid passed by. Maybe Elmo's sending a couple dozen of them to Amarillo and gonna sink 'em nose first into the ground to create Cybertruck Ranch?
  7. "It's Joe Biden's fault that I vetoed critical infrastructure spending in the state that I govern, Florida. Now it's Biden's responsibility to spend federal tax dollars to clean up this mess. Because woke Joe Biden is bad for America and Florida! " They'll eat that up while having the Early Bird dinner at The Villages.
  8. Wait, what? I no shit had to look his age up. I would have said Elko was a rough 56. *Note to self: entry #1 in the 2025 dead pool = Elko, M.
  9. We've sent the DIL the links to these reports on auto-brewery syndrome. The BIL is scheduled for his next checkup in a couple weeks & this should be brought to the Dr's attention. Saw him a couple weeks ago & he was reasonably ok for the 2 hours we were with him. I saw him drink one beer, his mood was mostly in check (it was an emotional event so he gets the benefit of the doubt). When he started to drift towards concerning behavior he voluntarily excused himself & went to his room to nap in a quiet environment. Reports since then have been more of the same: good days with occasional episodes of belligerent behavior.
  10. Assuming you're referencing Goodfellas or perhaps Casino with this comment, but if you think either movie glorified gangsters or organized crime you're a fucking idiot.
  11. Well, her mom can't continue to grift cash off of the dead & dried up bones of her traitor daughter unless she continues to try & pull stunts like this so....
  12. Bill Walton's a prime example of how to get the most out of your time on this earth. Talk about a life well lived.
  13. Talk is Cheap is a fucking MONSTER. Didn't Charlie Watts reportedly say that it was the Stones album they'd been failing to make for over a decade when he first heard it? But it's clear that Keith could only make that album without Mick. Had it been a typical Glimmer Twins production it wouldn't have been anywhere near as good as Keef wouldn't have worked as hard and Mick likely would have tried to sweeten it up and make it more pop radio friendly. In the end we're just lucky to have gotten it.
  14. The judges would have also accepted "typical Republican."
  15. You sure 'bout that, chief? Looks like she's already shit herself.
  16. Norris wore out his tires during the chase it seems.
  17. Is she eyeballing new burial ground for her newest pets?
  18. Welp, we now know what Trump's "out" is going to be for skipping the debates. He was stumping in MN yesterday and claims he's going to demand a "drug test" before the debates, implying that Biden will be juicing. Every accusation is a confession, blah blah blah.
  19. Stuck on the northbound metrorail at Howard Lane. Signals are down plus high winds. Reason #1 why you always take a leak before getting on the train.
  20. Migrants will be mowed down at the border & the gunman will receive a full pardon by Abbott.
  21. Of course. Because Abbott and the christofascists running the GQP in Texas want more deaths. More unrest & bloodied bodies in the streets = more chances for them to look tough on crime. They're sure as shit not interested in governing.
  22. His "Close-Up" album was one of the first CDs I bought in '88 after hearing it over the speakers in the CD store off Great Hills Trail (wish like hell I could remember the name of that place). He played on so many albums and soundtracks over the years (he's pretty much the signature sound of the Lethal Weapon franchise). Seemed like he was sitting in with Paul and the boys on Letterman once a month at least. Just seemed to be an all around nice guy. Guess I'll cue up some 10th Avenue Freezeout on the way home in remembrance.
  23. Actually it may be the one moment in her life when she has been unflinchingly honest. She revealed who she is on a global stage and never gave a shit about what anyone thought about that overt statement.
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