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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. What kills me is that the GOP from 1970 - 2012ish would have looked at Ukraine as a fucking wet dream. Hey Reagan, GHWB, et al, what do you say about a proxy war against the Evil Empire that will allow the US to deplete the Russian military, get real world testing of many of our advanced tactical and defense systems, and oh yeah, keep the military contractors who fund your campaigns and reside heavily in your voting districts fat and happy with billions of dollars rolling in on the reg? Yet somehow Moscow Marge the other knuckle draggers are trying to make Ukraine the fascist threat against American values and interests. What a fucking world.
  2. Yep. Quita was class of '87, I was '88. Good times.
  3. So a grown man wearing a Boba Fett shirt AND has a big Star Wars toy hanging in his garage bought a CT? Where's Triumph the Insult Dog when you need him?
  4. Control. Madonna wants her fans to know it's her world & you play by her rules. Maybe an extension of the dominatrix persona she uses?
  5. Watch Fleetwood finish solo 2nd.
  6. Holy Gag-Man, Collin.
  7. That was a pretty epic kiss of death. Bravo.
  8. And Homa might be dead in the azaleas.
  9. Morikawa just ejected.
  10. Scottie needs a 35 on the back for his 2nd green jacket.
  11. Okay that would be a baller move by Åberg if he pulls off the miracle. Chipotle and lutefisk for the champion's dinner would kill half of the room.
  12. Homa all over it at 10! Come on with the good stuff.
  13. And Morikawa is now in a heap of trouble
  14. That's how you do it, Scottie [emoji869]
  15. Alright, who's the tech alum member?
  16. You've gotta be kidding me, Ludvig!
  17. I keep waiting for Åberg to have a reality check moment & make a gagging double, but he's just humming along.
  18. Morikawa with a fucking dart. Wow.
  19. Would love to see Homa go a heater & take the lead so Scottie and Collin need to chase him down as well as battle one another.
  20. I don't know if I've seen anyone make a putt of consequence over 6' in the last 90 minutes. Looks the wind is just a gentle 5 mph breeze at this point. Got a pork butt on the smoker and looking forward to a chill afternoon with hopefully some exciting golf.
  21. I shared that cartoon on my social account when it was first published. One of my fringe friends (the wife of a friend of mine and part of a larger social group) replied with a very sarcastic "Riiiiight", a roll eye emoji and feeble "both sides" argument. She was the first of several Trumpers I've since cut all ties with and haven't regretted that decision one bit.
  22. Mrs GOTJ continues to make steady progress. Lately she's been big on a high fiber diet which is supposed to help mitigate several of the changes. Of course she's now spending plenty of time in the restroom dealing with the side effects of eating a bowl of Colon Blow cereal each morning. One of the biggest challenges is her getting her progesterone filled since it's stocked out of pretty much every pharmacy in the area.
  23. I've told this story before but during Obama's 2nd term my chain smoking, feeble, alcoholic FIL paid to attend a tactical arms training & defense class put on by "real" former special forces types in South Texas. He was telling me how concerned he was that he might not pass because of his bad knees/back/shoulder, etc. He didn't care much for my response which was to tell him he passed as soon as his $2,500 check cleared. Grifting from the scared & stupid is almost too easy.
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