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Posts posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. On 11/2/2023 at 12:49 PM, RPM said:

    Billy Wilder mildly amused at your notions.

    The Lost Weekend (1945)

    Sunset Boulevard (1950)

    Ace in the Hole (1951)

    Stalag 17 (1953)

    Sabrina (1954)

    The Seven Year Itch (1955)

    Witness for the Prosecution (1957)

    Some Like it Hot (1959)

    The Apartment (1960)

    One, Two, Three (1961)

    The Fortune Cookie (1966)

    Every single one is a classic and that isn't close to a complete list.

    Billy Wilder Collection - Collection | Park Circus

    This. And you accidentally left off Double Indemnity (1944). Good luck finding another director who also wrote/co-wrote/adapted material of films that are considered in the top 5--if not number one outright--of their genre.

    Crime noir - Double Indemnity

    Drama - Sunset Blvd

    Crime Drama Mystery - Witness for the Prosecution

    War comedy/drama/suspense - Stalag 17

    Comedy - Some Like it Hot

    Rom Com (before the term existed) - Sabrina, The Apartment (a perfect film)

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. On 11/2/2023 at 3:17 PM, The Ace of Aces said:

    Bird left IU because Knight ignored him when he was homesick. He literally went out of his way to avoid speaking to Bird.

    My favorite Knight story is when Glenn Robinson was on a campus for a visit Knight couldn't be bothered to meet him. So Robinson went to Purdue instead of received the National Player of the Year award.

    He picked on people smaller than him. The worst kind of bully. 

    Bird has publicly stated that Knight's actions (or inactions; he barely acknowledged Bird at all) had nothing to do with his decision to go back home to French Lick. Bloomington was a HUGE city to Bird. Knight has admitted he made a mistake pairing Bird with Jim Wisman, 6'3 guard, as his freshman roommate. Wisman had money and a closet full of clothes. Bird had 2 pairs of jeans, 3 shirts and no money. Wisman told Larry he could borrow any of his shirts he wanted--that would be funny to see 6'9 Bird trying to find one that fit--but that just made Bird more self conscious about his background.

    I'm not defending Knight for being a grade A asshole his entire life, but Larry Bird was as tough a sonofabitch that ever played. If he thought a coach would get the best out of him he wouldn't back down to any of his antics. Hell, he loved being coached by Bill freaking Fitch in the NBA. Good luck finding another dozen pros with the same sentiment. Bird went to IU because everyone told him that's where he should go (he initially really wanted to go to Kentucky, but was that recruiting trip left a bad taste in his mouth). 

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  3. And the person who yelled out "how" would be booed ferociously & likely pummeled by MAGATs as they bump rushed him from the auditorium.

    They're not thinkers. Or reasonable people. They don't want details or answers to their questions*. They just want to participate in coordinated orgies of frenzied fear.

    *except details of how he plans to imprison, punish or murder the Clinton's, Bidens, liberals, blacks, gays, and anyone else who makes them feel inferior.

    • Hook 'Em 3
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  4. I know he left Indiana after less than a month for personal reasons and Knight likely didn't even have enough time to be that much of an asshole to him in person, but Larry Bird leaving cost him at least 2 more championships and probably more. And the thing is, Bird was the type of guy who could take any type of coaching.

    I'm sure your family loved you, Bobby.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. I don't have one bit of sympathy for Lindell, however his lunacy & being addicted to swallowing Trump's mushroom dick has certainly cost many of his hard working employees their jobs. I have no idea if he has any manufacturing left in MN but he had at least corporate operations there. How many people watched their good paying jobs disappear because of this shit?

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  6. Tomorrow's November 1st, so it's time for the best thread of the year: the annual airing of grievances!

    Bring us your insane rants of family pettiness. Your tales of alcohol-fueled antics involving your great aunt Margaret and why she's still pissed at your mother because she threw away the half dozen Folgers cans filled with bacon grease she'd been saving under the kitchen sink since the Carter administration. Let us all come together and find peace and comfort during the fucknuttery that is about to descend upon us.

    • Hook 'Em 7
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    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  7. 32 minutes ago, AnTiM said:

    The great thing about being a businessman is that when you screw your friends over for money you can always say "It's just business", like that makes it just perfectly fine.

    In the early '00s my company hired several execs from GE who'd suckled at the teat of Jack Welch. Their number one phrase which we heard time and time again during reorgs, lay-offs, plant shutterings, etc. was "remember: it's not personal, it's just business." May all JW acolytes be tied to a fire ant mound naked with a gallon of Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce poured all over them.

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