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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. 1st and goal on the easy pass to Brooks.
  2. First Sark as BYU QB footage. Drink.
  3. That's gotta be a pf for the cheap shot by the ou sideline
  4. Kansas back was dead to rights but falls backwards for the first down. Lulz.
  5. The delay on the wildcat works. Whoopsie!
  6. Aggy is some no tackling bitches in their secondary.
  7. I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
  8. With those crazy eyes you know she was down for anything.
  9. Just go out to The Oasis on Lake Travis and get the best of all worlds. /ducks.
  10. Lincoln Riley's Downhome Brisket is tough to beat. PM Derka for directions.
  11. From the Metro Rail on the way into town. FIGHT [emoji869]
  12. Jack Lemmon's performance at the muddy horse track when Costner is asking him about Guy Bannister (Ed Asner) pistol whipping him in a drunken rage on the night of JFK's assassination is a freaking master class.
  13. Yeah, but did you consider the POSITIVE economic impact that will come about from this? * Every police dept in Maine will now get to rubber stamp purchasing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of new body armor, tactical gear, super-duper x-ray vision goggles, etc. Plus a few tanks might come in handy. Might as well get some shoulder-mount rocket launchers while you're at it. * There will be a massive uptick sales of candles for the vigils that will take place over the coming weeks. * What about hardening those bowling alleys and local dive bars? Steel plated entry doors, ballistic glass for windows, and TSA-style screening devices at all entrances are huge profit items. And nothing says "freedom" like entering a bunker & sitting behind 2" glass while watching your buddies roll a smooth 137 as you drink a few NE-style IPAs.
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