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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. Quick first quarter. 56-0 at this rate. Me likey [emoji869]
  2. Should have dropped the returner on the spot.
  3. Gonna have to pick up 3rd and long here, guys.
  4. Does UH really care about their football coach?
  5. Silence by Brando and Tillman during that beautiful throw and catch. Lol
  6. Yeah...I mean, Scorsese keeps working with that hack Thelma Schoonmaker and she's only won 3 Oscars with 5 other nominations for editing his films. Marty's 80 years old. There hasn't been a more influential or important filmmaker in the past half century. His work in film preservation alone is legendary. If anyone gets the benefit of the doubt when it comes to storytelling and the length of a movie it's him.
  7. Damn fine trailer right there. And Driver obviously had some serious cosmetic surgery done on his radar dish ears. Either that, or Mann used most of his CGI budget correcting them in post.
  8. Dammit, that Klepper bit was filmed by Lake Winnipesaukee. Wolfeboro, NH is an area we've been researching for a potential retirement destination. Don't tell me it's full of Trumpkins. [emoji90][emoji2959]
  9. PSA: this hits theaters this week. Limited release so far. We got tix for this Sunday at the Drafthouse (Lakeline). It looks like it's only showing 4 days currently so be on the lookout.
  10. Damn, that ball just popped right into 95s hands.
  11. Jordan Hicks with the scoop and score for the Vikes.
  12. I've lost track of whatever he legally changed his name to after Daniel Figurelli was exposed as a racist POS. Plus I've deleted my Twitter account so I don't know if he's still posting as Rude Dawg Humping Legs or whatever his handle was.
  13. That's Jimbo's "in the corner watching the DL recruits running a train on my wife" face. I'm surprised his hands are above the table.
  14. Looch is the ultimate "hold me back" pussy. He'd make racist Daniel Figurelli look like a tough guy in comparison.
  15. Have the "LR to aggy" threads begun on texags yet?
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