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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. Double clutch then hit the goal post play on the card?
  2. Johnson gets tapped on the shoulder and falls down.
  3. Kansas is carving up the Pokes D any way they want.
  4. I'm thinking Tenn busts the line & picks off the screen pass attempt for a td
  5. Milton couldn't hit water if he fell out of a fucking boat.
  6. Personal fowl on the horrible pun.
  7. Aggy o-line can only block effectively when cheating.
  8. Ducks showing some balls here.
  9. Has any other game featured a QB sacked twice by his own o-line in the first half? Where else are you gonna see shit like this?
  10. Another self sack by the center. On 4th and 1. You do you, aggy.
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