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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. How good is the okie state kicker if they need to settle for the tie?
  2. How was that not picked by the BYU DB? Wow.
  3. Bama's going to pull this off. Wow.
  4. Helluva stretch by the RB to get close to the line to gain.
  5. Pokes not getting bailed out with a flag on 3rd down. Fuck.
  6. Whip your hair, Gundy. Three point game.
  7. Was that a TD? Sure seemed like he went down at the one.
  8. That's gotta be a PI. He was being held like crazy.
  9. Stop me if you've heard this before...Bowman throws behind the receiver on that play.
  10. No shit, they just called like 7 or 8 straight pass plays.
  11. What a fucking pick by the Mormons.
  12. Pokes need this 3 and out to flip the field.
  13. For fucks sake, Bowman. You can't take that sack.
  14. NOW they start calling oSu for holding. A year later...
  15. There you go, Pokes. Keep working those slants across the middle. "Maybe, just maybe, they have enough time to get to their 9th win." WTF? It's an 11 point game with 7 minutes left in the 3rd.
  16. That's what I thought but it might have just slipped out of the QBs hand. It was a duck for sure.
  17. Gundy's gonna go for the onside kick here and fuck it up, right? Give BYU the ball w/ great field position.
  18. They don't have to listen to those stupid fucking paddles banging on the pads non-stop.
  19. Come on, Pokes. Score quick here and get back into this game.
  20. "Beyond calm." Maybe that's the name of Gundy's soon-to-be launched clothing line?
  21. Would you sit around in the cold drizzle to watch Gundy get his dick caught in his zipper again and again?
  22. And illegal procedure on the 2nd half kick. Pokes picking up where they left off.
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