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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. No drama with the return team. Thank you [emoji869]
  2. Let's fucking go! TD Brooks! [emoji869][emoji869][emoji869]
  3. There's the turnover by the defense! [emoji869][emoji869][emoji869]
  4. Brooks to the house[emoji869][emoji869][emoji869]
  5. That's how you respond, Brooks[emoji869][emoji869][emoji869]
  6. Catalon put a hit on Bean that might affect some passes down the line.
  7. Bean gets the ball knocked out after a long run & it lands right in the hands of the RB who scores. Furk.
  8. Cougar high not scared of Lubbock. 21-14 in the 2nd.
  9. Baxter dropping his pads low to finish [emoji869]
  10. Ewers with the long TD run again [emoji869][emoji869][emoji869]
  11. Has the best one loss team in the country started yet on texags?
  12. Guaranteed. He'll hand it off 3 straight times most likely.
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