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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. Stupid sips. You just THINK you're witnessing a disorganized clusterfuck of a search for a HC. Aggy has had their one and true candidate locked up for two weeks now, and they're waiting to spring this news on the world next Saturday during the conference championship games so they can garner all of the media attention. Nobody cares about results on the field, they care about exposure and clicks!
  2. I want to beat okie state so thoroughly next Saturday that we will be able to see their souls vacate their crumpled bodies. I want Gundy to walk out to shake Sark's hand after the game with a Bo Pellini-esque piss slick down the front of his pants. I want the left behinds to know that they got their licks in when we were playing grab ass with Mary Jane Rottencrach behind the 7-Eleven instead of running a successful football program, but we left the conference as champions and on a steady climb back up the mountain where national champions dare to tread.
  3. I'd like to see Campbell crying on the sideline after a call doesn't go his way. Bonus if it costs him the game & the tears freeze on his cheeks & his snot forms an icicle from that Buick-sized schnozz of his.
  4. Iowa State houses it for a quick 7-0 lead. 80 yards in the snow to kick off Farmaggedon.
  5. Fuck ou now let's mudhole this joke of an oSu team, take the title, and go to the CFP. [emoji869]
  6. 1st down and right on the edge of his range.
  7. Mormons are knocking on the door for the FG.
  8. That was game right there, #2.
  9. Blocked PAT. Lulz.
  10. He's obviously dinged and doesn't have the burst he had earlier this season.
  11. Go Pokes!
  12. How good is the okie state kicker if they need to settle for the tie?
  13. How was that not picked by the BYU DB? Wow.
  14. Bama's going to pull this off. Wow.
  15. That pass was a Bowman special.
  16. Helluva stretch by the RB to get close to the line to gain.
  17. Pokes not getting bailed out with a flag on 3rd down. Fuck.
  18. This is a battle of shitty QBs.
  19. Whip your hair, Gundy. Three point game.
  20. Give 'em the TD and go for two.
  21. Was that a TD? Sure seemed like he went down at the one.
  22. That's gotta be a PI. He was being held like crazy.
  23. Stop me if you've heard this before...Bowman throws behind the receiver on that play.
  24. No shit, they just called like 7 or 8 straight pass plays.
  25. What a fucking pick by the Mormons.
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