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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by GhostOfTomJoad

  1. This reminds me: After 10+ years of trying the passive-aggressive approach with the old man, this is the year when we put our foot down and refuse to send gift cards to him and his wife. What is dumber than having someone send you a GC and you send them one for the same amount? If he wasn't a luddite and paranoid about most things internet I'd explain it would be simpler and just as pointless to Venmo each other a couple hundred bucks. Enough with this shit.
  2. In fairness, I think @slorch finally got enough instructions from people to learn how to activate Do Not Disturb settings on his phone 😁
  3. So are you gonna wear sweat pants to the feast at HLP? Classed up with a snazzy guayabera and some crocs for comfort?
  4. Not happening this year. And it's not because we don't love her, just as this isn't a permanent ban. She'll be welcome again, but at some point she's got to learn how to do adult things if not for her own benefit, but for her children and grandson. She also needs to understand that family will almost always see through "fibbing," and when it comes to self-help it eventually comes down to put up or shut up time.
  5. From my sofa and dealing with that nervous sensation that comes with the onset of back spasms.. FIGHT!
  6. My co-dependent sister has pretty much gone ghost since the Thanksgiving debacle 2 years ago. That was the episode with her rebound dude she found online after ending a 10+ year relationship. Rebound dude was the loudmouth fuckstain who made an ass of himself at the feast my wife and I hosted (got drunk, offended my wife and my sister's adult kids, ignored his 4 yo "oops" daughter, kept calling me by the wrong name, and broke into rage tears when Dallas lost in OT being the highlights of the day). She finally dumped him 6 months later, apologized profusely for his behavior and admitted she needed to get back into therapy to address her self esteem and co-dependency issues. Eighteen months later, she's remained pretty much radio silence with me and our older sister. We get the occasional text and when we're able to reach her on the phone it's a brief call where she regurgitates some of her memorized talking points which makes it sound as if she's actually keeping up w/ her therapy. As someone who's logged many couch hours over the last 30 years it's pretty easy to spot the lies (like when she can't remember if she told you her therapist was local or a teledoc in FLA or was it GA?). Most signs are pointing to her therapy really being chewing on CBD gummies and posting "you're special and worth it" memes on social media. My older sis (who lives in AR) had a heart to heart with me a few months ago about what my wife and I were doing this year. Since our 2023 was a year of massive upheaval centered around my decades-long job being eliminated during a corporate reorg in May, job hunting through the summer, and starting the next chapter as a public servant in September at a hefty pay cut, I explained our plans were to be simple, quiet and thankful in our own home. Big sis was happy to hear this, but asked pointedly if I was going to truly adhere to that plan. She knows what a softy I am with our sister, and how my policy of there always being room at our table for family has resulted in our sis showing up with little to no notice with her 2 kids and grandson 8 of the last 12 years. I hadn't realized it had been that many, and my wife has never complained once, although it turns out she had texted her concerns to my big sis that we were enabling our sister's actions. Specifically, co-dependent sis needs to learn to start her own family traditions with her kids and her grandson. Her son's 31, the daughter is 29 and the grandson is pushing 4. My sis's ex-husband is a great cook with a big family (locally and outside of Houston) so the kids know what a functional family is like & never miss a meal. But my sis can barely boil water at 56. So now that Thanksgiving's less than 2 weeks away my sis will likely fall into her old pattern which will be to text us with a "I sure have missed you...do you have any plans for the holidays?" in search of an invite. This year she's going to hear that our table is full with just the two of us, but if she wants to get together that weekend for my birthday we can meet somewhere. tl;dr -- gonna have a quiet turkey day w/ just the two of us. Might even break tradition and just do a ham instead of a turkey since we've got better leftover recipes for a ham & bone. Then we'll spend the weekend putting up our decorations & being thankful for what we've got.
  7. Well she & Jared gifted a couple billion during their WH stint so she's obviously got the $ to change her looks. Plus she may be laying the foundation for a total makeover so she won't be identifiable when she's forced into exile in Europe because the MAGAts think she turned against her dad.
  8. I knew a guy who recently died a horrible, agonizing death including spending his final 10 days on a ventilator due to diverticulitis. Sepsis had set in. 56 years old. He was also an aggy, unemployed, a raging alcoholic & little to live for, but the moral of the story is something, something listen to your doc.
  9. No you couldn't. If you're over 30 and we're never at least a Div I football player you would have no chance. You may be lucky to even be able to get up off the ground after the first attempt.
  10. So Skyline chili for Thanksgiving feast?
  11. What about Gundy? I don't think he's got any desire to leave oSu and he's about to be the unquestioned best coach in a shitty conference, but if aggy offers him $10-$15mm a year he'd have to at least listen. Plus, he hates NIL so he'd be hands off & likely let the rubes try to continue their antiquated bag game.
  12. Did you NOT see Trading Places?
  13. Per the broadcast, Dak has led Dallas to victory in the 4th quarter or OT 21 times. That's not insignificant.
  14. What's that, 45 yards of penalties on this drive?
  15. Dropped that fucking thing in the bucket. Jesus. That was sick.
  16. That was an awkward looking slide by Hurts.
  17. I'm saying that he's exhibiting more than just immaturity issues. CW's got headcase written all over him and despite all of his many physical gifts he strikes me as the type of player who could flame out spectacularly in the NFL, especially if he's drafted #1 by a team who may be in full rebuild mode or with glaring holes that aren't likely to be filled in one offseason.
  18. At 5-4 I'm just thankful my Vikings are out of the CW lottery. Let some other team fall for the fool's gold.
  19. The USPS has been trying to contact you about your box from Amazon that's at the warehouse and can't be delivered.
  20. Homer Simpson drool emoji here.
  21. I didn't know this was the thread where board mottos were being offered. Contender.
  22. Penix rifled that TD pass in there.
  23. Where's the Huskie defense?
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