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Certifiably Surly
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  1. Every movie couple wakes up in the morning from a full night's sleep and starts making out with tongue. Who the fuck does that in real life ?
  2. That Rex guy needs therapy and anti-psychotic drugs. My vote for the next unibomber
  3. FUCK THAT Go after the fat smokers and leave me and my sweet precious alcohol alone
  4. hold up homie. I agree with you and BO&W. I think its a little bit of both but you guys arent giving an inch
  5. but a QB thats athletic and mobile makes playing against Georgia easier
  6. no , I rewatched the game sober this morning
  7. read the rest of the thread. I was wrong
  8. I thought it was unusual that Skattebo and Levitt held hands almost the entire post game press conference. While Levitt just cried.
  9. dude on the left is a future serial killer
  10. I stand corrected. Too much rum and too much "in the game" passion made for poor judgement
  11. I stand corrected. Watching the game sober and looking at the stats does say Ewers outplayed their QB.
  12. nineliveslost


    Look at Bert. he has a gut and looks stoned half the time
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