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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nineliveslost

  1. It bleeds all over this place at times. And I dont give a shit that you think im full of shit
  2. Kinda like this place used to be . LMAO
  3. and it's only going to get worse . . .
  4. This place is turning into a bunch of monkeys trying to fuck a football
  5. Not in the loop. Why exactly does he suck and what are his responsibilities?
  6. The throw was not great, the drop horrible but I get what you are saying, blue on black
  7. What about our QB coach? The guy with the crazy comb over. Milweh or something like that
  8. Maybe??? it was a little behind, but he had two hands on it and its head level (yes he jumps). Clutch receivers would catch that pass. Great receivers would catch that pass . good receivers would catch that pass Horrible drop man, horrible
  9. What if we had a kicker second half of the season
  10. Is he leading with the crown of his helmet? Did he hit the head and neck area? Is it intentional?
  11. You come across as a bitter and resentful dude...
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