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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nineliveslost

  1. Enjoyed it just as much as the first 2. On the rotation for watching if it comes up on the channels
  2. Evidently I am slow. It shows my subscription is expired but it also shows I have an active subscription. Did I give Surly my $42 or if not, how do I give Surly my $42 again? I don't want to change my subscription, just want to renew it. Under my username it says I am "full members" but I have never noticed those before and no clue what it means. YES I AM OLD
  3. That just makes me sad. We learned of the atrocities because the Germans filmed and documented them...just like we have learned of the extent the Jews suffered this go around because Hamas filmed and documented. "and they will burn down the synagogues at 6 o'clock and we'll all go along like before. "
  4. Fuck all that. . . . Are you still keeping up with your 40 time? I only want fans that have top 40 speed.
  5. thats the Sark we know. He always takes the foot off the gas
  6. I was questioning that myself. We are the home team but chose white
  7. Well don't have him put it in you in the first place 😀
  8. Wow. That was sorta surprising result. I guess i need professional therapy and maybe even shock treatment. 😲
  9. Thanks for the insight. I spent some time on one from Texas:
  10. Took 2 years to agree to get a new dog after my best friend died after 18 years of being the most awesome dog on the planet. This one is cool. Rescue dog that was abused (which is fucked up). Year and a half old. No clue what he is but has an interesting personality.
  11. This is the frustrating part. it's either black or white with everyone these days. SMH
  12. I tried to be objective in the game thread. I think he is a good QB but not great. He was playing scared tonight and lacked touch on the long ball. He isn't horrible, but we need better. Almost everyone went bat shit crazy acting like I was calling their kid ugly
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