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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nineliveslost

  1. Hey man, not movie related but, glad to have you back
  2. Update after 9 months. Wonderful dog and very loving. amazing how animals can bounce back from abuse and neglect.
  3. I find that really sad. Sad for her, her family and friends and what it says about society and the drug epidemic in this country
  5. I actually give him a lot of credit for not smiling while saying it
  6. try this
  7. but she is 100% beautiful. Sooooo, must see movie
  8. I guess so. Look like she is in a lot of movies I don't watch. She is still fine
  9. watched Bricklayer. kinda meh. BUT The leading lady is gorgeous
  10. I don't understand.
  11. I'm a NURSE Janitor to you buddy. Makes more money
  12. I like change, but I don't like change for the reasons stated mostly in this thread. This series is one of the lowest points in Star Wars because its crap
  13. he moved his head in the last couple of seconds in the vid. Might not be dead but he is going to suffer for awhile
  14. I still have one and use it the most Yea, I am old
  15. I have Fidelity also. I handed it over to an advisor. They are making 2 to 3 x times more than me fiddling around with it on my own
  16. The top brands are going to get stronger and push out all others. This is bad for collegiate football in my opinion and is one of the bigger hits that will alter college football dramatically. not a fan of it
  17. ordered. Cost me $3.68 since I had some Amazon Reward Points
  18. Shmi created Anakin from masturbation with the force. . . which is cool
  19. Like he said, Vince kicked that ass 🤪
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