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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by nineliveslost

  1. Agree. Just can't figure out how a major university full of smart people set up something so stupid and then repeated it for another year.
  2. all of this coming from a guy that nicknames Steve Sarkissian "seven-win Steve" or "six-win Steve" maybe Alabama is a part of the seven or six wins or maybe an asshole is really an asshole
  3. yea, I followed the link and could not see what the hell is going on. what's with "adult" non "adult"? fuddled around and gave up
  4. Ha, don't give a shit about white knighting and have never DMd Nicole. She's just being a fan and some just want to shit on her instead of using the ignore button... BUT, I damn sure am a fan of Sam and want him to get a start in the NFL. Would love for him to take it to the next level and become a longhorn legend. AND, this son of a gun did say he was a fan of tits
  5. I'm just confused by the craziness. I am not pro Nicole or Neg Nicole, but for fucks sake she fits right in with the rest of us assholes. Yea, ALL of us assholes. Who gives a fuck if she is Sam crazy or does/doesn't show tits (I am a fan of tits by the way) Sam is fucking lighting it up in preseason. He is a Horn. He was one of the very few bright spots over the last DECADE. Read that again. over the last decade. Fuck yea Nicole's crazy over him. We all should be. Sam gave it his all, even while throwing his body against the wall over and over again. He got fucking up and kept swinging. Good for Sam and good for Texas. Good for Nicole or anyone else who wants to trumpet a Horn that gave it his best shot and might become a starter. Who cares if she over does it and who cares if she does or doesn't show tits (I am a huge fan of tits). Hook'em P.S. fuck Tom
  6. Northwestern Wildcats vs Nebraska Cornhuskers (bestsolaris.com) avoid the interweb aids and it works
  7. Enjoyed it. Predator,Predators,Predator 2 and then Prey. Last two can be swapped but nostalgia keeps Predator 2 up there
  8. This is starting to get my hopes up. Loved the last trailer and hope they can keep the tone. Disney doesn't fail me like they have so many times recently
  9. So did the walk suck and not enjoyable? It has always been on my bucket list but I was expecting an enjoyable walk and not excruciating endeavor
  10. No. Poorly worded. I was trying to say that pic from Brakeman was better for this thread than his snake swallowing the deer one, which really doesn't fit the Bevoette and Jade thread
  11. This is killing me. I cant stop watching. It looks like he got tazed at the end . LMAO
  12. Why does it always have to be one extreme or the other? Is there absolutely no middle ground or compromise anymore? I think they are rhetorical questions...everything is a fucking fight these days
  13. Hell, 11 conference round robin schedule (6 home games) with one out conference game (possible 7th home game). Top 2 teams face of in championship game ...
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