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Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

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Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand last won the day on June 30 2018

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  1. "Voted" And to be clear, your threshold is "remotely conservative"
  2. Someone who has never voted for the GOP since the Reagan Revolution. How's that? You made the accusation. The onus is on you. List the posters in this lib hellscape you believe who have never once voted GOP.
  3. Nope. I think society is most prosperous (which should be all our aims, but isn't) operating at the right blend of democratic government rule and free enterprise, but thank you for unintentionally illustrating the Overton Window in which we exist and the casual nature in which you post such a thing that would be taken seriously in a multitude of forums.
  4. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I tip my hat to any person who can say they were wrong. I have and probably will be in the future. That's a good thing and maybe a sign you haven't been paying enough attention.
  5. Everyone except badteammate. You were right.
  6. There's a denialism in the conservative bloodstream that they are rugged individuals who are held back by government despite their symbiotic relationship in large part to the cultural indoctrination that pride is a virtue and not a vice.
  7. The president who delivered Medicare Part D to his voting bloc ""proposed" reducing spending. Just stand back and marvel at that for moment.
  8. *posts on board that's rife with former GOP voters* *Overton Window increasing*
  9. For Elon Musk, the future is something to look forward to, not to fear. He is a creative man of many interests: film, poetry, karate, music, and dance. He is a man of passion and mystery. He is a man of lust.
  10. A more progressive tax code disincentivizes fraud, corruption and regulatory violations by minimizing the reward for the risk. If any individual or entity knows beforehand they're only going to be able to keep a smaller portion of any ill-gotten gains, there's a far less likelihood that risk will be taken. As it is now, taking the risk is incentivized.
  11. Bert.... BERT! Look at me! *Holds up joint* DIS DA DEBIL!!! *smokes joint* no debil for you
  12. Whether blooping into a pond in Blanco or blowing up in Vegas, Cyber Truck has the versatility for country living or a night on the town that's sure to turn heads wherever you go!
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