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Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

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Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand last won the day on June 30 2018

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  1. SOP. Not exclusively The American Way, but "we're" not that bad at it. I know I've benefited from it, just to knock my soapbox down a peg.
  2. Your position is Trump's almost entire adult life is evidence that he's not that good at sales/marketing?
  3. I spent months (!) being the weakest link at MCI Worldcom, having to listen to phone calls of the top salespeople to "see how it's done". Whatever plausible deniability may apply to you didn't apply there or presently to Trump. And a good salesman who's a liar can outsell a good salesman.
  4. You're wrong on the first count and splitting hairs on the second.
  5. Be a better salesman in practice just means be a better liar.
  6. MAGA: White heterosexual males built western civilization. That's why it sucks except when it's great.
  7. Not unlike almost a century of benefit America has reaped allying itself with Western liberal democracies, the difference being for the price of almost nothing.
  8. https://americansongwriter.com/neil-young-plans-to-launch-2025-love-earth-tour-with-a-free-concert-in-ukraine-has-added-a-july-show-in-londons-hyde-park/
  9. Can we please stop with this? There's this weird expectation that Democratic politicians who have no personal relationship or near life-long bonds of trust with posters' MAGA relatives should be expected to be MORE persuasive to CR posters' relatives than they are themselves. Stop being distracted by this.
  10. Gosh Darn It Double Burger!
  11. "DezNat"? Seriously? Fascists can't even sound out deez nutz? Good work, Texas.
  12. I was sick one time too but it was worth it for the medical degree.
  13. Freedom means constantly adjusting your behavior so you don't lose your man card.
  14. https://www.npr.org/2025/02/28/nx-s1-5312936/epstein-files-release-rickroll-backlash
  15. Ah! But he predicted "they" would correctly point out it was horrible, so despite the fact Trump says he doesn't kid, it was a joke!
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