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Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

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Everything posted by Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

  1. Oh wow! The blowback from Warriors Against Cancel Culture is going to be Category 5!!!!!
  2. Oh course Santa Claus is pimping in this timeline. *sips Tab in rocking chair on the porch*
  3. Should throw his corpse through one of these fucksticks' living room window.
  4. And be extra kind when roles are reversed. No one asks for it, but it's still in your hands.
  5. I'm all right. I think I read too much. Just wanted to convey getting your heart smashed is something every one can relate to. Be kind to people who didn't mean to hurt you and it will pay off in the long run.
  6. Pardon me sir, I wish to engage in discussions of politics of the day, as it were, and am currently being stymied.
  7. "Hello? Washington Free Beacon? This is UCLA. We would like to report the black students here are really bad. They think the leg bone is connected to the head bone. Oh, and they're pushing vaccines. Their scripts are in jive! Go Brandon!" *click*
  8. Several down trees and big limbs partially in the lanes of 281 between Evant and Lampasas. The creeks and ditches are flowing.
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