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Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

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Everything posted by Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

  1. Weaponizing a cow's teat makes it one of the best fight scenes ever.
  2. https://www.khou.com/article/weather/when-will-power-be-back-on/285-db87ba45-d59a-4a42-ad28-fa9d0a5d1d17
  3. MAGA summed up. And grievance addicts will never be happy. It's a backwards race to see who reaches the bottom last.
  4. I asked responsible gun rights advocate Johnny Sack for a decision tree that all Americans must memorize and recall for when deadly force is lawful in the Rittenhouse acquittal thread that he was obviously heavily invested in. Of course, that went unanswered. Calvinball
  5. Seems like this could be a problem. https://www.theregister.com/2024/05/10/baidu_apollo_hack/
  6. Socialism and capitalism should work as a check and balance. Unfettered either one becomes cancerous and in post-Reagan Revolution America the biggest threat is unchecked capitalism.
  7. "I can't be corrupted because I'm financing my own campaign."
  8. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2024/05/09/1250057657/medical-residents-starting-avoid-states-abortion-bans
  9. Coming down hard at the Blanco/Hays/Comal county lines.
  10. I like how it goes from the "this evidence-free speculation is possible" to a "P.S. Oh yeah. Almost forgot. They're certainly trying to block out the sun".
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