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Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

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Everything posted by Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

  1. ...and crucial to manipulating people via low self-esteem is indoctrinating them into a value system that prioritizes winning, getting what they want, and status seeking over just being a decent human being and the golden rule.
  2. *Derail* I'll always associate Hogg Auditorium with my freshman year, getting all pumped up to see one of the original Star Wars high as a kite with my hallmate and both of us simultaneously having an epiphany in the balcony- "this is the goddamn dumbest movie ever".
  3. Remember when Alex Jones' virtual raison d'etre was to champion your right to film cops? Pepperidge Farms remembers.
  4. Too often fans have asked "is our Majors learning?"
  5. You never know when you're going to have to fuck your way out of a tight situation.
  6. Can we start a petition to revoke the citizenship of every person who signed the secession petition?
  7. *watches the Texas GOP wrestle with their angry Frankenstein base in the front yard* https://www.newsweek.com/texas-independence-republican-party-court-1856413
  8. Reminds me of childrens' animal drawings made real. https://www.demilked.com/realistic-sculptures-kids-drawings-tom-curtis/
  9. Forget it, Jake. It's Oklahoma. And Texas. Pretty much the old Confederacy. Indiana's just air humping up a storm.
  10. ...could put this in the What Are You Listening To thread but I love this guitar enough to put it here
  11. Ok. This would be my final answer for most beautiful guitar ever
  12. The Beethoven riff of In The Flesh has always been my favorite guitar part of The Wall.
  13. Thanks. Stuff like this as you get older gives you a greater appreciation of how compressed what as a kid you thought was far away history. Come this August, it will be the 43 year anniversary of MTV's debut. Using the 1910 year in one of the pics as a time mark - move forward 43 years and Elvis is walking into Sun Records to make his first recording. Go back 43 years from that and Congress is passing the first Reconstruction Act.
  14. Books is the one of the first things I thought of as a replacement when cutting the cord. Usually tv is on as background noise, barely have time for it anyway, and the little free time is stolen through periodic haggling, being begged to take a survey, fending off a scam, dealing with a 3rd party payroll site that doesn't work, maintaining a password list, changing banks accounts due to notifications my personal data's been breached..
  15. I used to block random media sites on my news feed forcefeeding me Elon stories only to see the same verbatim story pop up under a new media banner.
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