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Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

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Everything posted by Al Bundy's Napoleon Hand

  1. Yes. Saving lives would be novel and bewildering to someone who views empathy as a burdensome vice and has the foresight of a goldfish. Just fucking baffling to a poll-watching, attention-starving, ladder-yanking immigrant.
  2. The "identity" in the "identity politics" of the red, southern, rural voting bloc instrumental in making Carter a one term president that is now unwavering in it's support of a rich man from north of Richmond is elusive and mysterious.
  3. Since Surly's been on dead senior citizens spankfest.
  4. Trump claimed he finished the wall at the CNN town hall they held for him back in May, so one down.
  5. Children will eventually accept Santa Claus isn't real. MAQA can't accept that they lose elections.
  6. Come on, Face. Don't fail me now. Breathe... Natural... aaaand..... SHOW TIME!
  7. We're literally only a decade and a half away from a financial crisis with banking and real estate at it's epicenter and only averted complete catastrophe due to government action, and already people are actually suggesting government should have no interest in these matters.
  8. BBC article on American CEO compensation vs Japanese/European CEO compensation https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20230925-uaw-auto-strike-why-us-automotive-ceos-make-more-than-global-competition
  9. Get the lady who talks to the wind and who was the source for Fox News' Dominion allegations to tell the wind we ain't gonna take any of it's shit.
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