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  1. there had to be at least one sane person sitting in on that pitch like
  2. Aliens looking down from space right now trying to understand why a bunch of young men beat the fuck out of each other for 60 minutes to win the grand prize of a giant bowl of oranges
  3. "Fans are throwing garbage on the field after that call is the reason for the stoppage"
  4. I was thinking Chris Benoit
  5. I liked it. I would give it a shot IMO.
  6. wtf is lil wayne doing there, lol
  7. I did the same a few months ago when I was trapped in the house with covid except I stopped after season 4. I remember it being better back when I watched it originally but still worth a watch if you've never seen it. Watching the opening credits always makes me want over easy eggs with hot sauce.
  8. These tech billionaires sure have a type. It's gonna cost them an extra 10% come January.
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