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Everything posted by Hmbre97

  1. What's odd is I filed my taxes on Jan 28th and the small refund I was due hit my bank account on Jan 31st. I've never had a refund come back that fast before.
  2. It's not in the right thread though. Split his crying off off into its own thread or into the confirmations thread
  3. Can someone give Ana his own thread where he can stan for Tulsi and split all the crying he's doing on this thread into it?
  4. Hmbre97


    This show would have been 100% better and taken more seriously if they would have never been introduced. They added nothing of value to the plot.
  5. this kinda sucked. glad I didn't waste money to go see this in the theater. I know Denzel is a good actor but this casting felt so out of place, it was distracting. The plot felt like a fever dream mashup of the original Gladiator and Training Day.
  6. Of course, Elon meant no harm or offense when gesturing to the crowd. How it could be misconstrued as anything else but a roman salute is just your TDS showing. As an act of peace, Elon has since released a custom screen background available for all Tesla models that borrows from the Hindu culture that he so respects and adores.
  7. there had to be at least one sane person sitting in on that pitch like
  8. Aliens looking down from space right now trying to understand why a bunch of young men beat the fuck out of each other for 60 minutes to win the grand prize of a giant bowl of oranges
  9. "Fans are throwing garbage on the field after that call is the reason for the stoppage"
  10. I was thinking Chris Benoit
  11. I liked it. I would give it a shot IMO.
  12. wtf is lil wayne doing there, lol
  13. I did the same a few months ago when I was trapped in the house with covid except I stopped after season 4. I remember it being better back when I watched it originally but still worth a watch if you've never seen it. Watching the opening credits always makes me want over easy eggs with hot sauce.
  14. These tech billionaires sure have a type. It's gonna cost them an extra 10% come January.
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