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Everything posted by Hmbre97

  1. I bet it was comfortable as fuck though and could fit a bunch of people in it.
  2. Tesla = Apple. Soon enough Tesla cars will be the macbook/iPhone. There will still be loyalists and fanboys that will only buy Tesla products but all the legacy automakers are going to gobble up most of the market share ala Windows/Android once EVs become more mainstream.
  3. Can't mount flag poles to the back of a Prius to fly their LGB and Trump 2020 flags
  4. Was just coming here to post that video. But you know what? I'm sure as he laid there bleeding out and listening to 11 of his students getting murdered, I'm sure he was secretly grateful that AR's are around to take care of our hog problem in the state since there are without a doubt no other ways to deal with it. Take away ARs and we're staring at Planet of the Hogs.
  5. I think that's the old softball coach at my high school. Is she running for office?
  6. What's odd is that there is usually variance in station prices but it seems like all stations in my hood up in Round Rock went from $4.05-4.15 directly up to $4.49 at the same moment. Looking at GasBuddy shows the large majority are all priced exactly the same which I can't recall ever seeing before.
  7. Nothing stopping you from using a bolt action then. Still don't need an AR.
  8. Kids are always bugging me for shaved iced/snow cones so found this on google tonight. Looks like it just came out a few months ago. Watched some reviews on it and looks like it makes legit shaved ice. Will report back when I get it. https://www.kitchenaid.com/countertop-appliances/stand-mixers/accessories/p.shave-ice-attachment.ksmsia.html?productcategory=parts_and_accessories&cmp=kad%3Awp_sda%257c01%257c00375%257czz%257csh%257ct02%257cp81%257czz%257cv04_kasa_ppc%3Aga%3Aps%3Atxt%3Atxt%3Acpc%3Ashop_smartshop_attachaccess%3Ana%3Ana%3A12344368956%3A115118618622%3Ac&gclid=CjwKCAjwy_aUBhACEiwA2IHHQAteSOX2DrhN6NR8jmg97NIXDsXraBQqEolUyIHmjWOjliUFTl6zpxoCJB4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  9. Lotta good that does since he just creates another name and is welcomed back with open arms.
  10. But using your analogy, the prom queen hooked up with the prom king when he was star quarterback in HS. Sure, he had some flaws but he's ripped and everyone wants him so you're willing to overlook them. Fast forward a couple years and the prom queen just found out the prom kings first name is really Tathan and he is doing all kinds of crazy shit and losing his focus on just being a qb after letting the lime light get to him. After abruptly transferring from California to Texas last year, now he's giving you ultimatums and just acting like a dickhead. The prom queen realizes there are other system qb's that have been playing for a while with stable careers that are on the come up and it might be time to bail.
  11. Nothing says clean transport revolutionary like forcing people to needlessly commute to their jobs. Good police work there, Lou. I'm sure all the major manufacturers looking to pivot to EVs wouldn't give a second look at Tesla employees. They're better off finding a good refridgerator box so they have something to live in when they're homeless. Big boomer energy
  12. The term handgun refers to both. And for CHL, that is going to be state specific. You'd have to be more specific. Texas still has a LTC (formerly CHL) but it's not required anymore if you want to open or conceal carry handguns. I won't speak for anyone else but in my comments, I called out specifically that I would like to see just semi-auto handguns put under stricter measures just due to load capacity, fire rate and ease of reloading via magazine. Same reason why most people want more restrictions on AR platform guns and not necessarily bolt-action single fire style weapons.
  13. This is where I'm at. Anything semiauto needs to be moved to a Class III designation, including handguns. The approval process through the ATF would serve as a built-in waiting period. If someone wants a gun sooner, buy a revolver or a bolt-action rifle/shotgun. This as well as raising the age to purchase/own a firearm as well as enhanced background checks would curb a lot of these incidents.
  14. Yes https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Las_Vegas_shooting
  15. As far right as the GOP has swung and now that they're starting to get more mainstream traction thanks to the popularity of MAGA'ism, I would not be shocked in the least if they regain control in 2024, we're going to see an attempt to roll back the NFA or FOPA at some point.
  16. The problem is there is no meaningful reform that will make both sides happy. One side wants no reform whatsoever around firearms so there is nothing offered for "compromise".
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