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Everything posted by Hmbre97

  1. You planning a stop in Flint or Detroit on your way down?
  2. lol @ the water boy not paying attention and squirting the water bottle on the back of his neck
  3. those end zones suck. looks like some high school shit
  4. aww, sorry about you having your period right now. Midol helps with that
  5. this is so much better than sweating it out into the 3rd quarter against UTEP to start the year off
  6. hope he doesn't try that against a talented db because best case scenario, it gets knocked down
  7. that pass looked risky AF in real time
  8. Home sick with covid so I've been burning through Netflix more than usual and had this come across my recommended: Logan Lucky Pretty good 2 hr time waster. Basically a red neck Ocean's 11 type film.
  9. From the cholesterol or all the chemicals in the water from the refineries? and from somone with a crippling fear of heights, fuck the rainbow bridge. Also, the first time I heard someone referencing their deceased pet crossing the rainbow bridge.... I was very confused. I thought people were chunking their dead pets off the bridge.
  10. from that tweet thread https://x.com/MDnotQuietMode/status/1828461333370552552
  11. someone on reddit said it looks like the gross ups they'd do of Ren and Stimpy
  12. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNTYAFnR/
  13. My mother was born in 64 and constantly gets offended by memes making fun of boomers so has proclaimed she is Gen X.
  14. He's right about it being impossible to believe. Too bad most of his supporters are mouth breathers who don't have the mental capacity to process statements and come to a rational conclusion.
  15. says the guy stinking up this thread with his giant gash
  16. In his defense, the buttons are so big on his Jitterbug
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