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The Earl of Texas

Certifiably Surly
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About The Earl of Texas

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  1. Practice is key. Want to get better at football? Go practice. Want to get better at dealing with basement dwelling shithead fans who suck? Go practice! So, shout out to all the losers for helping Q & Company.
  2. You can describe Nick Wright in many ways, but "not wrong" is not one of them.
  3. Dude needs a guardian cap for decision making
  4. In theory Ladd McConkey could block Danielle Hunter. However
  5. Did you hear what Rome said about aggy?!?
  6. His pointing gif will be used so often by me I may be granted legal ownership. Great season by Helm. 🤘
  7. Being able to criticize him in the SEC title game and the playoffs says a lot. Mistakes were made, and I hope he moves to correct them, but a lot of great shit along the way as well as we finished Top 3... again. If this is "who he is" I'll take it. Excited for Arch's era to begin.
  8. Thank you Q, you brought us out of the abyss and back to the mountaintop, where we belong. You're a legend. 🤘
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