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The Earl of Texas

Certifiably Surly
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About The Earl of Texas

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  1. We've had teams that struggled in opening series go on to be good, so not going to get too excited yet about (very encouraging) results. I am excited however about the talent I saw on the field. Whether we end up in Omaha or not, who knows, but I do think we're talented enough to make a run at it. And that is exciting.
  2. My buddy once got fired from Chuck E. Cheese's and Boston Market within a two week period, both essentially drug related. He's an attorney now. And he's not nearly as talented as Cook is. So please forgive me if I reserve pity. #RespectMyDecision
  3. Overpay by Boston, glad we didn't. When he's hot they'll love him. And when he's streaky cold, they're gonna boo the shit out of him and turn on him. AL East will never forgive his 'cheating'. Hope it works out for him. Thanks for everything Breggy, it was a hell of a run. On to the next chapter for everyone.
  4. Good get, he's well thought of and was highly sought after. McVay's system absolutely does not neglect the OL. He was the TE coach in New England for many years, then two years with Rams. Turned down a $3M OC offer from New England before this, so NE loved him.
  5. At the beginning of this season no one said we'd be shit, but all agreed Wemby/Luka would be leading their teams to the playoffs. You just never know. I think Rox fans probably have most appreciation for Luka other than Mavs fans - to have watched Harden do all he did and get no love and then to watch Luka was like deja vu. If we had given away prime Harden for so little... I'd have been seeing red. I feel terrible for Mavs fans, that sucks all the joy out of it. Love AD and maybe they improve in short term with what he brings, but short term & long term outlook both bad on this deal. But you never know!
  6. Props to Turk Diggler. Earned that shit
  7. The media is going to be sucking our dicks so much next year their dentists will know it
  8. I am in agreement with those who believe we already have the guy we want in mind, and maybe already in agreement. We're well positioned and we have not been majorly fucking up under Caserio or Ryan's. I would bet it's Klint.
  9. Politics is a fucking terrible religion.
  10. Was going to link a Twitter page showing Slowik had been asked to interview with Jags, but site admins disabled Twitter linking.
  11. If you are comparing Elon Musk to Nazi Germany, you have a lot of reading to do about Nazi Germany. The politicians you worship make slip ups all the time and go much further than that like flying to private islands whose sole purpose is to rape underage girls or start/fund/drive continuance of literal fucking wars, and you're willing to overlook that, but this is where the line is drawn for you? Being reasonable these days is becoming a fucking labor.
  12. Limiting what is now the best source of info about football/recruiting on a football/recruiting board bc you vote differently than someone else is definitely not an improvement.
  13. wtf is this banner Im seeing on homepage now
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