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The Earl of Texas

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Earl of Texas

  1. Worth it at a higher price. No asterisk on the title. Holy shit I fucking love it.
  2. Props to KC. I think the Buffalo game showed we barely even deserved to be there. Sucks, but better to get crushed in the playoffs than not make it. On to next season, hopefully with 100% less BOB.
  3. Deshaun is an exceptional talent but he does that way too often. Attack the line of scrimmage, and select a target, completion or not. Way too many sacks are his fault.
  4. OK that fg is good news. Gonna be real tough to get to 35-3 at halftime, now.
  5. You chumps declares Houston dead at half last week, and now declaring KC dead at the end of Q1? Come off the drama. KC has plenty in the tank.
  6. I think most will agree with you, but the heat coming your way would be because you’re “settling” for “comfort hires” instead of reeling in nothing but elite position coaches. Sadly upgrade from old staff wouldn’t been too hard.
  7. Was just my summary after reading through the posts. I’m sorry it hurt your feelings.
  8. The stupid shit some of y’all dream up in your self-imposed depression over a sport is pathetic.
  9. Now we just need the Swim Move Sheikh to weigh in and we’ve got the ruling class covered
  10. Current/ongoing tantrum is due to a tweet about Washington’s dismissal, not interview speculations.
  11. We recruited talented DBs, who have played like shit and are clearly poorly coached. I can understand disliking his dismissal, but I can’t understand crying about it and shouting down people who won’t share a tissue. Our DBs can’t tackle, don’t look for the ball, and can’t cover JAGs from Kansas. NEXT
  12. Can’t make sense of that one. Naivar took his sinking ship and went out and sunk a fleet with it, but now going to go potentially work for him again? Fuck all that
  13. Have any hires been made, or is this just a typical jump-to-conclusions tantrum?
  14. Rode on the train to the game with a bunch today, they were super nice and all enjoying the lovely weather. Just more of an exorcism for ‘93-me than hate-based joy.
  15. It’s better than 39. 39 can’t even be taken seriously.
  16. Buffalo fans showed up in force today, good on them. Running game worked much better than I anticipated. Bills D is the real deal. Let the season continue, and hopefully, not against a squad that beat us by five scores.
  17. Fuck YES this Buffalo schaudenfraude is the nectar of the gods. Keep those tears a-flowin’ bitch
  18. Amazing job by the Texans to get beat like that, get off the mat, and finish the fight.
  19. Have the FG team ready, but clock it if overturned. Great coaching by Buffalo.
  20. I nearly went deaf on that 4th down. Crowd insane.
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