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The Earl of Texas

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The Earl of Texas

  1. Aside from failing to fumble, that return was the worst
  2. Liked it, really liked it, even. A spacey Heart of Darkness. Visually epic, plot and characters mostly very basic and straight forward but it fit the purpose of the journey, which is the focal point. I love sci-fi so I’m usually lenient on it. Looking forward to watching it again.
  3. Hopefully that means general money went against us and the sharps hopped on it when it went low enough for them.
  4. Of all the dumb shit comments in this thread, this is the crown jewel.
  5. Fuck I hate Patterson in a really pure way. He plays the Head Coach game like a boss. His run at TCU is phenomenal. Fuck him.
  6. Been WAITING for this. When Auburn smokes them, hoooooly shit get your popcorn ready.
  7. It really can’t be said enough - Herman has killed it in recruiting, his staff is very good on gameday, and they manage to keep nosy know-nothing 9.95ers in the dark - a trifecta a previous Championship worthy staff would’ve made you think an impossible combo.
  8. We did everything in our power to lose that one
  9. If this game got any uglier it’d be playing flute for OUs band
  10. If there’s only one thing some of you idiots are good at, it’s overthinking some simple bullshit.
  11. Type of guy who at full speed looks like he’s not at full effort - smooth runner, great cut, hell of a return.
  12. As someone who will be sitting in an NRG Suite for the game today I just want to say I resent this and reiterate the importance for you lesser types to stop being poor.
  13. Fuuuuuuuuuck yes these threads are the best
  14. Holy shit that is hilarious. Liucci is the King of Try-Hards
  15. Compressing a lot of Texans into a short period here for the Texans. Spectacular fails. No stop here and it’s probably over, they are feeling it right now.
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