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Burnt Ends
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  1. Gotta say, not what I was expecting Yahyah Gaad to look like.
  2. UCLA 2010 was the most shocking loss I've been at, I think, because I was a junior and we had lost a single regular season game during my entire time in school to that point. It did not seem real.
  3. During the OU/Tennessee game, Herbstreit called one of the OU players clearly taking a dive 'unethical as hell." I am expecting some of it from them today, too.
  4. My brother (who is in that photo) was sitting next to that guy all night, he was loud and obnoxious. Was aggressively hitting on my brother’s girlfriend. Appreciated the UTSA fan I saw with a “Respect the Pecker” shirt
  5. Playing the song gave them a good excuse to say it.
  6. Higdon was always saying we were getting him, right?
  7. Not that this isn't delicious, but weren't a bunch of posters calling him a scumbag who bangs co-eds like a week ago? Just making it clear that I do not care what he does so long as it does not interfere with winning (legal jeopardy interferes with winning!).
  8. Bobby has mentioned numerous times on OTF that Pierce focused on giving all of the existing players full scholarships, right?
  9. Is this basically a loser gets the Texas job situation? Or are we locked in on Schloss.
  10. So, I assumed a black kid from Florida with that last name meant he had Hatian ancestry, but apparently it's Irish https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ffrench#:~:text=It is a topographical name,%2C fresne"%2C ash tree.
  11. Daylon Mack is too busy being a professional Pokemon card player
  12. Husan Longstreet is quite the quandary for them, name wise.
  13. Calling in riot cops to goose-step down Speedway and beat up peaceful protesters was beyond the pale. Hartzell probably has the support of the money, but that was awful.
  14. lol yeah, my only complaint is about the number of podcasts, I don't have time to listen to them. It fills my need for entertaining background buzz. It's not like it's one of the Obama guys talking about kids getting massacred in Gaza and then cut to a Tinder ad. /no cr
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