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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by RollingPresidential

  1. It was already heading that way (for athletes, not just football) when I lived there in 09-10. Clint Chapman was passed out in an elevator on a Sunday morning when I went to do laundry.
  2. I come to Surly for your stuff so I mean this with all due respect, but didn't we start off last cycle behind on a lot of guys that we ended up landing? I thought I remembered you writing that. I understand that this year was deeper in state and that's an advantage for us.
  3. If that's Margin Hooks, don't we have an in with him?
  4. From a source: “Boutte and a recruiting coordinator had sex that weekend. She was dismissed and Boutte was punished and decided to quit.”
  5. I don't know what this is supposed to mean. Texas was national championship good my first two years in school (08 and 09) and has been mediocre to bad ever since. I don't think I have ever had the opportunity to boast to anyone about anything in like twelve years. I also have not experienced these alleged BMOC/chest-thumping Texas fans that I always seem to hear about - every Texas fan I've known for twelve years has been mostly cynical or at the very worst hopeful. Maybe it's because I haven't lived in Texas for a decade? I don't know. But I would, sincerely, like people to shut the fuck up with the "Texas is back!" and "lol, Kansas" type of shit, and the only way to do that is for Texas to win. TCU winning likely prolongs the take apocalypse that surrounds Texas football, so I'm against it.
  6. I find it incredibly embarrassing that a small private school with no alumni base and nowhere near our financial resources is in the championship while we’re wondering if our star receiver who can’t catch will transfer. It would be more embarrassing for them to win it. After twelve years, I am reduced to rooting for Texas to win and others to lose almost solely so people shut the fuck up.
  7. Fuck TCU. Most annoying team to lord over us in our 12 years in the desert. Go Dawgs.
  8. By old standards, Simmons would seem like someone we could not get because LSU and Aggie and Bama would just turn it into a bidding war. NIL changed that?
  9. What do we do, exactly? Bow out of every auction recruiting situation for the last 20 years in the name of hubris etc?
  10. Not worth it. He's a good coach but he's not Coach K. He's been charged with a felony and has embarrassed the University, both grounds to fire for cause in his contract. Spare me the 'but it will be litigated,' no shit. It is absolutely not worth the optics to have this + Morris following the team around, and it is beneath UT to play games with stuff like this. If he's this volatile and stays with her, there's also no guarantee that something like this doesn't happen again. Criminal innocence or guilt is irrelevant to firing him. Just settle his buyout and start the coaching search.
  11. Malik yes. Mushin Muhammad is the only Christian I can think of with that last name though.
  12. That was my point. That was a clusterfuck that we get dogged for years later and Jimbo's seems worse.
  13. Jimbo has supremely fucked this OC search, hasn't he? Sterlin Gilbert was announced on 12/10/15, and that was in an era without an early signing day.
  14. So who's the OC that Billy things is a "strong" hire?
  15. https://www.on3.com/college/arkansas-razorbacks/news/sam-pittman-jalon-catalon-injury-season-ending-shoulder-hogs-in-really-good-place-nfl-draft-decision-return-to-school/
  16. They bring this up so much. I've been following recruiting for 14 years now and Torshiro Davis was like the only one where I just said "Hm" re: a bag drop. Otherwise, despite having the most money or whatever, we never won the auction guys and have no NCAA investigations to show for it. As opposed to the Aggies...
  17. Do they have any real, concrete examples to point to support the "the Sips have the bags out again!" stuff?
  18. I like that "Texas under Sark" is an insult to them. We hit Jimbo's typical season this year, 8-4 with a top 10 win and 1-2 dogshit, inexcusable losses. But sure, he wouldn't be wasted at A&M.
  19. Replies on twitter indicate their fans think that they're getting Tony Mitchell so they're fine with this.
  20. I apologize and will accept whatever comes my way.
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