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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by RollingPresidential

  1. I asked my Mom for some perspective on this, since she ran Student Judicial Affairs at Nebraska ('99-'03) and LSU ('05-'08). She was not a softy on this stufff. This is how she answered my question about how she would've handled things at those places. "Things have changed a lot since I’ve dealt with stuff like this. Technically it occurred off campus so the jurisdiction is in question - if it is deemed he presents a threat to the campus community then my office would deal with it. The title 9 offices now do the investigation and would involve interviewing all parties. At Both NE and LSU I had a good relationship with athletics so I would work with them as well. Could be a semester suspension ( though the injuries honestly aren’t that bad comparably speaking) anger management classes, probation - a writing assignment and an apology letter if the victim would be okay with it. Could involve class schedule changes and a directive to have no further contact with the victim. Most students in this predicament would probably choose to go before a hearing panel because they don’t want to put anything in writing until after their trial - if that is where the legal case is going. He may be eligible for some kind of diversion. NE athletics would have him in counseling immediately." She does not really know who Arterio Morris is and from the looks of her response, doesn't seem to get that the woman is not a student. Still, I don't think he's gonna do much more than a short suspension, but we'll see. Texas isn't Baylor or Jimbo's FSU, and the Title IX office is pretty solid from what I understand (those with more knowledge can correct me if I'm wrong), but this is a really fucked up situation that is probably gonna result in nothing in the criminal (or civil) legal system, so not sure UT will go further.
  2. I feel like we write that about them every year. Hope it's right this time.
  3. What is the origin of the phrase 'size queen?'
  4. To be fair, I reffed IM basketball my senior year and a team featuring Garrett Gilbert and Tre Newton would consistently attract student onlookers who would shit talk them.
  5. lol at Texas getting momentum at the beginning of the cycle. Perroni has put a CB on every Aggie offer immediately for like ten years to make it look like A&M has an early lead. Sumlin's whole thing was to load up early and hold on for dear life at the end. Last year was an anomaly of historic proportions, and they've taken it as the norm going forward. Hope that this current momentum holds for us.
  6. So what's this stuff about Jordan Addison not getting his proposed NIL package?
  7. Gotcha. I'm sure TexAgs has no shady business dealings
  8. Is this about Bobby?
  9. Didn't they pay him to not visit us? Or was it Bama that did that? Or did we just call it off because the interest wasn't real? Seems like the type of kid they snag last year.
  10. I assumed their NIL stuff was bullshit and that the black market was going to die off as their main weapon because of NIL, ergo A&M would not be able to do what they did last year. If they actually have the NIL stuff going, good for them. Just didn’t think we’d lose guys because of money whipping anymore, that’s all, and that list of cornerbacks are a bunch of guys that would count as us losing, no?
  11. I thought the scuttlebutt was that A&M wouldn't be able to bag drop as effectively this cycle. That CB recruiting class doesn't suggest that.
  12. All I have to say is that I much more enjoy nitpicking decisions after a win by our most successful major men's program than wondering why Sark had Jonathan Brooks returning a kick against KU.
  13. Well, I'd hope it gets caught everywhere, but wouldn't have been as bad an error
  14. Seems that not only the short outfield but the short fence also make the HR's more common. That ball that bounced off Hodo probably just hits the wall at the Disch.
  15. I mean, again, I'm gonna just say that "America's War Game" is saying a lot that he didn't need to explain otherwise.
  16. Very difficult to address my thoughts on this without CR so I'll just say lol.
  17. Just tickles me pink that Firesheets's boyfriend is Wiltfong's new Aggy source. So amusing.
  18. Hope Morris sticks
  19. Read a scouting combine report that his best physical comp (body type only) is Zion, which, yeah. Unless he's got the second-jump that Zion has, not too many thicc boys like that in the league.
  20. I would like to think this but who is going to enforce anything here?
  21. That's what I was referring to. I had just written him off because of that, but appears that was not warranted. I'll ask some locals, see if I can get any intel. Seems worth a flyer.
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