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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by RollingPresidential

  1. This is the guy that Herman called a bitch for decommitting from him at Houston, yeah?
  2. This. I was in school from '08-'12 and didn't care about them until my senior year when they just wouldn't shut the fuck up.
  3. Click and/or pay $9.95 to find out!
  4. I'm all for rehabilitation and second chances but lol that that's who they sent to SEC Media Days.
  5. Calm down, buddy, I didn't care at all about any of it. Just another of the Strong-era shitstorms.
  6. and then RT'ing someone asking him to transfer at halftime of a 50-7 beatdown? No, we will not.
  7. A Flagg from Maine. The Stephen King special
  8. Seemed low if like 4 football players made half that (combined) by themselves.
  9. Yeah I think Bill C said it was the biggest statistical outlier of the year.
  10. There is a thread on IT trashing their own rankings? Edit: they do indeed, at least Nahlin is posting about "how On3 operates."
  11. I am vividly remembering being in my high school IB physics class at U-High (known on this board as University Lab, the high school that is on the LSU campus), getting a bad grade on a test, and saying something like "If I don't fix my grades in this class I might end up at LSU." My classmates, 80% of which were matriculating to LSU, were very offended. I'm now a lawyer and my undergrad degree means jack shit, so bully for me I guess. I think what you've said is reasonable, I just don't think it really tips things in our favor as much as we say it does or has overwhelmed other stuff in the past. For an ex-NFLer, as most of these guys think they will be, what does their undergrad degree even mean?
  12. Not saying I don't believe you, but where'd he say this?
  13. I'm sure they were a factor. I'm not saying it doesn't matter at all, I'm saying that we overrate it. I just severely doubt that a 5* kid from Acadiana that could go anywhere is gonna make his choice based on the computer science department. This is more true in basketball (or at least was when I went there). 7(or 8, not sure about John Ehret) of the On3 top 10 in Louisiana go to public schools. A lot of the private schools in small town Louisiana were originally established as "religious" schools after Brown v. Board. They have some black athletes, but it ends up with situations like the Clinton, Louisiana public high school being all black despite that town being about 50/50 black/white. I really really hope we land this kid. Just not holding my breath because he says he wants to be in computer science.
  14. Speaking as the son of LSU's former Director of Student Judicial Affairs, LSU is very good at that.
  15. Then hopefully Sark knows to push.
  16. I do not credit a single recruiting report that uses "academics" as a data point. Why is the kid not choosing from Northwestern, Vanderbilt, Duke, and Stanford then? I am very proud of my UT degree but I think this board and others get way too spun up about that. A high school football player that "cares about academics" is just one that's not going to start in the gen ed program. McKinley will be surrounded by a bunch of boat salesman, beverage distributors, and lawyers with LSU law degrees (the only kind in Louisiana) telling him you can still get rich going to LSU. The pressure to go to LSU when you are just a regular high school student (shitty basketball player profile aside); I cannot imagine the amount of folks buzzing around that kid right now telling him to go to LSU, computer science interest or not. I'll believe it when I see it when we get one of those big hogmollies out of there.
  17. I hope that when they go 8-5 in year 9 of Jimbo and he still has a lower winning % than Sumlin they are pointing to 2020 as the proof in the pudding.
  18. I'm old enough to remember DeAndre McNeal being told he'd get the first carry/pass against ND and then the Aggies making a big deal about how Charlie lied to him.
  19. I mean, Jimbo's thing going back to FSU was to let the players run shit, for good or ill.
  20. Bussy celebrating the Coleman commit on teitter
  21. Oh yes, no doubt. Just remembering that happy time (after that fucking miserable season).
  22. That was the original errrrbody in 2016. Didn't turn out well.
  23. Would you say no to DJ Durkin?
  24. I know jack shit about baseball but how is Pierce such a chaos agent and yet the team has gone to Omaha 3x in 6 years and almost made it this year with what most thought was a down roster?
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