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Pato del Muerto

Certifiably Surly
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Pato del Muerto last won the day on September 3 2023

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55783 Surly 1%

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  1. Well, it just looks like Luca doncic has always looked.
  2. Hope someone gets that onto sec rant and other places for maximum visibility.
  3. 33 and sunny feels great if there’s no wind. No idea about wind in Columbus. Low humidity also helps.
  4. One would think voters and sports talkers would have learned long ago, but for sure by now, to under rank aggy in preseason polls. Make the prove it on the field of play first because usually they can’t. Football 2024 was a good example of pollsters not trusting them finally. But it needs to be for all of their sports.
  5. And a tool bag? watch Upper Middle Bogan on Netflix and you’ll understand how this could happen.
  6. So which of their teams are #undefeated? and Phillips 66 obviously not on board with the monochromatic presentation. Poor corporate partners.
  7. I’ve gotten the feeling reading this thread and the leopards thread that veterans believe they are not allowed to be fired, due to their veteran status. At least some of them. Preferential treatment from the I hate dei crowd.
  8. First year after Tara right?
  9. So I get to eat breakfast sausage AND I don’t have to worry about years 70-90?
  10. By the time they get finished with this extended string of patsies, they will be believing that it’s all figured out and they are about to dominate the conference.
  11. Quirk- Tampa and minny both have 76 points on 36 wins, but Tampa is +58 and minny is -2.
  12. They weren’t Reilly and jonesy, that’s for sure.
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