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Pato del Muerto

Certifiably Surly
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Pato del Muerto last won the day on September 3 2023

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54,559 Surly 1%

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About Pato del Muerto

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  1. Or maybe they see it as a way to ensure republicans win the EC into perpetuity. And they can then levy tariffs against it and build a border wall all along the new American western border.
  2. if we aren’t told of the pandemic, of its potential mitigation, or of any research into cure or vaccine (obviously from outside the US where such things are still legal) then how do we avoid the same fate as the morons?
  3. Gardiner is the north gate (the famous stone Roosevelt gate) to ynp. You could easily do 3 days in just the northern part of the park, especially if you do an all day horseback ride one of the days. Tower falls one day, grand prismatic and old faithful (if you must- I hate how crowded that place is) and all the things on the road along those ways.
  4. Was doing outdoor family stuff all day. Me when my son showed me this final:
  5. If you really want to dig at jerruh, go with the vaqueros. but I kinda dig chancladors
  6. Epic app has its own tracking but I think I’ve heard of one called slopes?
  7. My supervisor is Indian. When we met, she was here on a visa- probably h1b. She has a PhD in immunology and had previously worked on research at md Anderson, and transitioned into industry working in r&d in biotech. Her first application for resident status was denied. She was told that is common because our system is silly. She tried again, for several thousand more dollars, and was approved.
  8. Asked them to assess only the risks, and not the benefits?
  9. Judges are lawyers in a silk sheet. If there’s lawyers willing to make the argument, there’s judges willing to accept the argument. Just have to prod until you find the path that works.
  10. Since Fla La and Tx receive the lion share of funds, the efficient thing to do is to give them all of the disaster money to keep safe and use as needed, and the other states can ask them for funds when needed. Flawless system is without flaw.
  11. 5-1 so far. Great chance to meet the 6-2 line, good chance to exceed it.
  12. But why? How many super bowls did Marty win? How many conference championships?
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